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# Copyright (C) 2015-2018  The Software Heritage developers
# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information

"""Module in charge of hashing function definitions. This is the base
module use to compute swh's hashes.

Only a subset of hashing algorithms is supported as defined in the
ALGORITHMS set. Any provided algorithms not in that list will result
in a ValueError explaining the error.

This module defines MultiHash class to ease the softwareheritage
hashing algorithm. This allows as before (with hash_* function) to
compute hashes from file object, path, data.

Basic usage examples:

- file object: MultiHash.from_file(file_object).digest()

- path (filepath): MultiHash.from_path(b'foo').hexdigest()

- data (bytes): MultiHash.from_data(b'foo').bytehexdigest()

Complex usage (old use was through callback):

- To compute length, integrate the length to the set of algorithms to
  compute, for example:

  h = MultiHash(hash_names=set({'length'}).union(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS))

- Write alongside computing hashing algorithms (from a stream), example:

    h = MultiHash(length=length)
    with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
        for chunk in r.iter_content():  # r a stream of sort

This module also defines the following (deprecated) hashing functions:

- hash_file: Hash the contents of the given file object with the given
  algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).

- hash_data: Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms
  (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none provided).

- hash_path: Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the
  given algorithms (defaulting to DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS if none


ALGORITHMS = set(['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256', 'blake2b512'])
"""Hashing algorithms supported by this module"""
DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS = set(['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256'])
"""Algorithms computed by default when calling the functions from this module.

Subset of :const:`ALGORITHMS`.
"""Block size for streaming hash computations made in this module"""

class MultiHash:
    """Hashutil class to support multiple hashes computation.


        hash_names (set): Set of hash algorithms (+ optionally length)
                          to compute hashes (cf. DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)
        length (int): Length of the total sum of chunks to read

    If the length is provided as algorithm, the length is also
    computed and returned.

    def __init__(self, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None):
        self.state = {}
        self.track_length = False
        for name in hash_names:
            if name == 'length':
                self.state['length'] = 0
                self.track_length = True
                self.state[name] = _new_hash(name, length)

    def from_state(cls, state, track_length):
        ret = cls([])
        ret.state = state
        ret.track_length = track_length

    def from_file(cls, file, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None):
        ret = cls(length=length, hash_names=hash_names)
        for chunk in file:
        return ret

    def from_path(cls, path, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None,
        if not length:
            length = os.path.getsize(path)
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            ret = cls.from_file(f, hash_names=hash_names, length=length)
        # For compatibility reason with `hash_path`
        if track_length:
            ret.state['length'] = length
        return ret

    def from_data(cls, data, hash_names=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, length=None):
        if not length:
            length = len(data)
        fobj = BytesIO(data)
        return cls.from_file(fobj, hash_names=hash_names, length=length)

    def update(self, chunk):
        for name, h in self.state.items():
            if name == 'length':
        if self.track_length:
            self.state['length'] += len(chunk)

    def digest(self):
        return {
            name: h.digest() if name != 'length' else h
            for name, h in self.state.items()

    def hexdigest(self):
        return {
            name: h.hexdigest() if name != 'length' else h
            for name, h in self.state.items()

    def bytehexdigest(self):
        return {
            name: hash_to_bytehex(h.digest()) if name != 'length' else h
            for name, h in self.state.items()

    def copy(self):
        copied_state = {
            name: h.copy() if name != 'length' else h
            for name, h in self.state.items()
        return self.from_state(copied_state, self.track_length)

def _new_blake2_hash(algo):
    """Return a function that initializes a blake2 hash.

    if algo in _blake2_hash_cache:
        return _blake2_hash_cache[algo]()

    lalgo = algo.lower()
    if not lalgo.startswith('blake2'):
        raise ValueError('Algorithm %s is not a blake2 hash' % algo)

    blake_family = lalgo[:7]

    digest_size = None
    if lalgo[7:]:
            digest_size, remainder = divmod(int(lalgo[7:]), 8)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown digest size for algo %s' % algo
            ) from None
        if remainder:
            raise ValueError(
                'Digest size for algorithm %s must be a multiple of 8' % algo

    if lalgo in hashlib.algorithms_available:
        # Handle the case where OpenSSL ships the given algorithm
        # (e.g. Python 3.5 on Debian 9 stretch)
        _blake2_hash_cache[algo] = lambda:
        # Try using the built-in implementation for Python 3.6+
        if blake_family in hashlib.algorithms_available:
            blake2 = getattr(hashlib, blake_family)
            import pyblake2
            blake2 = getattr(pyblake2, blake_family)

        _blake2_hash_cache[algo] = lambda: blake2(digest_size=digest_size)

    return _blake2_hash_cache[algo]()

def _new_hashlib_hash(algo):
    """Initialize a digest object from hashlib.

    Handle the swh-specific names for the blake2-related algorithms
    if algo.startswith('blake2'):
        return _new_blake2_hash(algo)

def _new_git_hash(base_algo, git_type, length):
    """Initialize a digest object (as returned by python's hashlib) for the
    requested algorithm, and feed it with the header for a git object of the
    given type and length.

    The header for hashing a git object consists of:
     - The type of the object (encoded in ASCII)
     - One ASCII space (\x20)
     - The length of the object (decimal encoded in ASCII)
     - One NUL byte

        base_algo (str from :const:`ALGORITHMS`): a hashlib-supported algorithm
        git_type: the type of the git object (supposedly one of 'blob',
                  'commit', 'tag', 'tree')
        length: the length of the git object you're encoding

        a hashutil.hash object

    h = _new_hashlib_hash(base_algo)
    git_header = '%s %d\0' % (git_type, length)

    return h

def _new_hash(algo, length=None):
    """Initialize a digest object (as returned by python's hashlib) for
    the requested algorithm. See the constant ALGORITHMS for the list
    of supported algorithms. If a git-specific hashing algorithm is
    requested (e.g., "sha1_git"), the hashing object will be pre-fed
    with the needed header; for this to work, length must be given.
        algo (str): a hashing algorithm (one of ALGORITHMS)
        length (int): the length of the hashed payload (needed for
          git-specific algorithms)

        a hashutil.hash object

        ValueError if algo is unknown, or length is missing for a git-specific
    if algo not in ALGORITHMS:
        raise ValueError(
            'Unexpected hashing algorithm %s, expected one of %s' %
            (algo, ', '.join(sorted(ALGORITHMS))))

    if algo.endswith('_git'):
        if length is None:
            raise ValueError('Missing length for git hashing algorithm')
        base_algo = algo[:-4]
        return _new_git_hash(base_algo, 'blob', length)
    return _new_hashlib_hash(algo)
def hash_file(fobj, length=None, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS,
    """(Deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_file

    Hash the contents of the given file object with the given algorithms.
        fobj: a file-like object
        length (int): the length of the contents of the file-like
                      object (for the git-specific algorithms)
        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms to be used, as an
                          iterable over strings
        chunk_cb (fun): a callback function taking a chunk of data as
        a dict mapping each algorithm to a digest (bytes by default).
        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
        chunk =
def hash_path(path, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, chunk_cb=None):
    """(deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_path

    Hash the contents of the file at the given path with the given
        path (str): the path of the file to hash
        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms used
        chunk_cb (fun): a callback function taking a chunk of data as parameter

    Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest.

        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
    length = os.path.getsize(path)
    with open(path, 'rb') as fobj:
        hashes = hash_file(fobj, length, algorithms, chunk_cb=chunk_cb)
    hashes['length'] = length
    return hashes
def hash_data(data, algorithms=DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS):
    """(deprecated) cf. MultiHash.from_data
    Hash the given binary blob with the given algorithms.
        algorithms (set): the hashing algorithms used
    Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest

        TypeError if data does not support the buffer interface.
        ValueError if algorithms contains an unknown hash algorithm.
    return MultiHash.from_data(data, hash_names=algorithms).digest()

def hash_git_data(data, git_type, base_algo='sha1'):
    """Hash the given data as a git object of type git_type.

        data: a bytes object
        git_type: the git object type
        base_algo: the base hashing algorithm used (default: sha1)

    Returns: a dict mapping each algorithm to a bytes digest

        ValueError if the git_type is unexpected.

    git_object_types = {'blob', 'tree', 'commit', 'tag', 'snapshot'}

    if git_type not in git_object_types:
        raise ValueError('Unexpected git object type %s, expected one of %s' %
                         (git_type, ', '.join(sorted(git_object_types))))

    h = _new_git_hash(base_algo, git_type, len(data))

    return h.digest()

def hash_to_hex(hash):
    """Converts a hash (in hex or bytes form) to its hexadecimal ascii form

      hash (str or bytes): a :class:`bytes` hash or a :class:`str` containing
        the hexadecimal form of the hash

      str: the hexadecimal form of the hash
    if isinstance(hash, str):
        return hash
    return binascii.hexlify(hash).decode('ascii')

def hash_to_bytehex(hash):
    """Converts a hash to its hexadecimal bytes representation

      hash (bytes): a :class:`bytes` hash

      bytes: the hexadecimal form of the hash, as :class:`bytes`
def hash_to_bytes(hash):
    """Converts a hash (in hex or bytes form) to its raw bytes form

      hash (str or bytes): a :class:`bytes` hash or a :class:`str` containing
        the hexadecimal form of the hash

      bytes: the :class:`bytes` form of the hash
    if isinstance(hash, bytes):
        return hash
    return bytes.fromhex(hash)

def bytehex_to_hash(hex):
    """Converts a hexadecimal bytes representation of a hash to that hash

      hash (bytes): a :class:`bytes` containing the hexadecimal form of the
        hash encoded in ascii

      bytes: the :class:`bytes` form of the hash
    return hash_to_bytes(hex.decode())