production: Deploy deposit instance in elastic infra
- Prepare azure storage account & azure blobstorage
- Migrate production data to azure blobstorage
- swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!274 (merged): Prepare production values to deploy instance in dynamic infra (including secrets)
- Deploy
- Checks
- Add deposit-dynamic.i.s.o CNAME targetting the ingress
- Ensure deposit (dynamic) answers appropriately from checker/loader pods ~> fail
- #5191 (comment 161103): Fix issue if any
- Ensure deposit (dynamic) answers appropriately from checker/loader pods
- swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!290 (merged)/: (dynamic) Make checker & loader use the dynamic deposit instance
- Deploy
- (icinga) Check deposit icinga checks are still green ~> fail (that cannot work since the deposit objstorage for tarballs is not the same)
- manual: (moma) Reverse proxy: Use deposit-dynamic instance as deposit backend
- (icinga) Check deposit icinga checks are green ~> it is!
- Commit the change in puppet and deploy
- swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site!681 (merged): (moma) Decommission gunicorn-swh-deposit (& apache related) services
- (pergamon) Add static icinga probe on ~> already present
Refs. #5110 (closed)