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  • ardumont/swh-docs
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  • vlorentz/swh-docs
  • vsellier/swh-docs
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  • rboyer/swh-docs
  • marmoute/swh-docs
  • varasterix/swh-docs
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Commits on Source (207)
with 742 additions and 68 deletions
# Changes here will be overwritten by Copier
_commit: v0.3.3
description: Software Heritage Documentation
distribution_name: swh-docs
have_cli: false
have_workers: false
package_root: swh/docs
python_minimal_version: '3.7'
readme_format: rst
# Enable black and pre-commit
# black
# these are symlinks created by a hook in swh-docs' main sphinx
# this should be a symlink for people who want to build the sphinx doc
# without using tox, generally created by the swh-env/bin/update script
- repo:
rev: v4.3.0
rev: v5.0.0
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: check-json
- id: check-yaml
- repo:
rev: 25.1.0
- id: black
- repo:
rev: 6.0.0
- id: isort
- repo:
rev: 5.0.4
rev: 7.1.1
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear==22.9.23]
additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear==24.12.12, flake8-pyproject]
- repo:
rev: v2.2.2
rev: v2.4.1
- id: codespell
name: Check source code spelling
stages: [commit]
- tomli
stages: [pre-commit]
- id: codespell
name: Check commit message spelling
- tomli
stages: [commit-msg]
- repo: local
......@@ -28,13 +45,13 @@ repos:
pass_filenames: false
language: system
types: [python]
- repo:
rev: 5.11.5
- id: isort
- repo:
rev: 22.10.0
- id: black
- id: twine-check
name: twine check
description: call twine check when pushing an annotated release tag
entry: bash -c "ref=$(git describe) &&
[[ $ref =~ ^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] &&
(python3 -m build --sdist && twine check $(ls -t dist/* | head -1)) || true"
pass_filenames: false
stages: [pre-push]
language: python
additional_dependencies: [twine, build]
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as Software
Heritage contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our
project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless
of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity
and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
and expression, level of experience, education, socioeconomic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
include Makefile
include requirements*.txt
include version.txt
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ BUILD_DEPS :=
BUILD_DEPS += cffi
BUILD_DEPS += tree-sitter
BUILD_DEPS += tree-sitter\<0.22.0
# swh.loader.bzr>breezy
BUILD_DEPS += configobj
......@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ BUILD_DEPS += configobj
BUILD_DEPS += pifpaf
# psycopg-c
BUILD_DEPS += tomli
# docutils >= 0.21
BUILD_DEPS += flit-core
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools setuptools-scm
python3 -m pip install --upgrade $(BUILD_DEPS)
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# automatically build sphinx documentation.
APIDOC_DIR = apidoc
APIDOC_OPTS = --ext-viewcode --separate
APIDOC_OPTS = --ext-viewcode --separate --implicit-namespaces
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
SPHINXAPIDOC = sphinx-apidoc
SPHINX_OPTS = -t standalone_package_doc
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ SPHINX_SRCDIR = .
# relative to docs/ dir. Hence "." exclude the docs/ dir itself
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */tests/* */migrations/* */ */
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */deposit/settings/* */web/settings/* */dataset/*
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += */deposit/settings/* */web/settings/*
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += bin build dist utils node_modules
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ sphinx/%: $(apidoc_dep)
apidoc: $(apidoc_dep)
$(SPHINXAPIDOC) $(APIDOC_OPTS) -o $(APIDOC_DIR) `if [ -d ../src/swh ]; then echo ../src/swh; else echo ../swh; fi` $(APIDOC_SWH_EXCLUDES)
# to silent Sphinx warnings about apidoc documents not included in any toctree
find $(shell pwd)/apidoc -name "*.rst" | xargs sed -i '1i:orphan:\n'
touch $@
Software Heritage Technical Documentation
This module contains (the logics for generating) the Software Heritage
development documentation.
technical documentation.
Specifically, it contains some general information about Software Heritage
internals (stuff that would not fit in any other specific software component of
the Software Heritage stack) and bundle them together component-specific
documentation coming from other modules of the stack.
All documentation is written and typeset using [Sphinx][1]. General
All documentation is written and typeset using Sphinx_. General
documentation is shipped as part of this module. Module-specific documentation
is centralized here via symlinks to the `docs/` dirs of individual modules.
is centralized here via symlinks to the ``docs/`` dirs of individual modules.
Therefore to build the full documentation you need a working and
complete [Software Heritage development environment][2].
complete `Software Heritage development environment`_.
How to build the doc
Install the [Software Heritage development environment][2]
Install the `Software Heritage development environment`_:
.. code-block:: shell
$ git clone
$ cd swh-environment
$ ./bin/update # this will clone needed git repos, inc. swh-docs
$ cd swh-docs
$ git clone
$ cd swh-environment
$ ./bin/update # this will clone needed git repos, inc. swh-docs
$ cd swh-docs
Ensure you have the required tools to generate images (graphviz_'s ``dot``,
plantuml_ and inkscape_). On a Debian system:
Ensure you have the required tools to generate images ([graphviz][3]'s `dot`,
[plantuml][4] and [inkscape][5]). On a Debian system:
.. code-block:: shell
$ sudo apt install plantuml graphviz
$ sudo apt install plantuml graphviz
These additional packages are required on Debian 10.x (and newer) systems:
These additional packages are required on Debian 10.x systems:
- libapr1-dev
- libaprutil1-dev
- libsvn-dev
......@@ -40,61 +44,74 @@ These additional packages are required on Debian 10.x systems:
- dia
- postgresql-autodoc
It is also recommended to build the doc using [tox][6], so ensure you have it
It is also recommended to build the doc using tox_, so ensure you have it
installed, eg. on a Debian system:
$ sudo apt install tox
.. code-block:: shell
$ sudo apt install tox
Then (from the ``swh-environment/swh-docs/`` directory):
Then (from the `swh-environment/swh-docs/` directory):
.. code-block:: shell
$ tox run -e sphinx-dev
This tox environment will build the documentation from the sources available in
the parent directory (`swh-environment`).
the parent directory (``swh-environment``).
Behind the scene, this tox environment will run the sphinx documentation
building process via [pifpaf][7] to encapsulate the need os Postgresql to
building process via pifpaf_ to encapsulate the need os Postgresql to
generate database schemas. The documentation building process itself consists
mainly in 3 steps:
### 1. Generate documentation assets for all modules
$ cd swh-environment
$ pifpaf run postgresql -- make docs-assets
.. code-block:: shell
This will *not* build the documentation in each module (there is `make docs`
$ cd swh-environment
$ pifpaf run postgresql -- make docs-assets
This will *not* build the documentation in each module (there is ``make docs``
for that).
### 2. Build the api docs for all swh python packages
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ pifpaf run postgresql -- make apidoc
.. code-block:: shell
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ pifpaf run postgresql -- make apidoc
### 3. Build the documentation
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ make
.. code-block:: shell
$ cd swh-docs/docs
$ make
The HTML documentation is now available starting from `_build/html/index.html`.
The HTML documentation is now available starting from
Cleaning up
$ cd docs
$ make distclean
.. code-block:: shell
The former (`make clean`) will only clean the local Sphinx build, without
touching other modules. The latter (`make distclean`) will also clean Sphinx
$ cd docs
$ make distclean
The former (``make clean``) will only clean the local Sphinx build, without
touching other modules. The latter (``make distclean``) will also clean Sphinx
builds in all other modules.
Publishing the doc
The publication of the documentation is now managed by the [CI][7].
The publication of the documentation is now managed by the CI_.
Building standalone package documentation
......@@ -105,20 +122,25 @@ Each documentation local to a swh package can also be built with [tox][6].
For instance to build the standalone documentation of ``swh-web``, proceed as
$ cd swh-environment/swh-web
$ tox run -e sphinx-dev
.. code-block:: shell
$ cd swh-environment/swh-web
$ tox run -e sphinx-dev
Sphinx warnings related to unresolved references located in other swh packages are suppressed because expected.
Sphinx warnings related to unresolved references located in other swh packages
are suppressed because expected.
Please also note that Sphinx warnings are turned into errors in that case.
The HTML documentation is now available starting from `docs/_build/html/index.html`.
The HTML documentation is now available starting from
.. _Sphinx:
.. _`Software Heritage development environment`:
.. _graphviz:
.. _plantuml:
.. _inkscape:
.. _tox:
.. _CI:
.. _pifpaf:
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SPHINXOPTS ?= --jobs auto
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
html[data-theme="light"] {
--pst-color-primary: #e20026;
--pst-color-secondary: #52566D;
html[data-theme="dark"] {
--pst-color-primary: #e20026;
--pst-color-secondary: #dbdbdb;
--pst-color-secondary-text: #141325;
table.swh-logos-table td,
table.swh-logos-table th {
text-align: center;
SPHINXOPTS ?= -t devel_doc
SPHINXOPTS ?= -t devel_doc --jobs auto
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SPHINXAPIDOC = sphinx-apidoc
APIDOC_DIR = apidoc
APIDOC_OPTS = --ext-viewcode --separate --no-toc
APIDOC_EXCLUDES = */tests */migrations */ */ */
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += deposit/settings/* web/settings/* dataset/*
APIDOC_EXCLUDES += deposit/settings/* web/settings/*
all: html
......@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ by components:
swh.auth <swh-auth/index>
swh.core <swh-core/index>
swh.counters <swh-counters/index>
swh.dataset <swh-dataset/index>
swh.datasets <swh-datasets/index>
swh.deposit <swh-deposit/index>
swh.export <swh-export/index>
swh.fuse <swh-fuse/index>
swh.graph <swh-graph/index>
swh.graphql <swh-graphql/index>
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ by components:
swh.objstorage <swh-objstorage/index>
swh.objstorage.replayer <swh-objstorage-replayer/index>
swh.perfecthash <swh-perfecthash/index>
swh.provenance <swh-provenance/index>
swh.scanner <swh-scanner/index>
swh.scheduler <swh-scheduler/index>
swh.scrubber <swh-scrubber/index>
......@@ -39,3 +41,4 @@ by components:
swh.vault <swh-vault/index>
swh.web <swh-web/index>
swh.web.client <swh-web-client/index>
swh.webhooks <swh-webhooks/index>
.. _alterations:
Alterations of the Software Architecture Archive
The main objective of an archive is to store facts forever. As such, it can be
viewed as an append-only infrastructure. However, it may be necessary to alter
the content of the archive to account for removal or alteration requests that
may happen `for several reasons`_.
We currently consider 2 types of alterations that may have to be applied to the
- content removal: some objects stored in the archive should not be visible any
more; these can be either removed entirely or masked, depending on the
- personal identity modification: some personal information (namely the name
and email of a person) needs not to be visible any more.
.. note::
We will not discuss in this section the administrative process of receiving,
handling and processing an alteration request of the Software Heritage
Archive. We will only focus on the technical aspects of the processes
involved, and their impact on the architectural design.
.. _`for several reasons`:
Types of alteration
Content removal
A content removal request starts from one (or more) origin. All the removal
handling process is based on an origin.
When dealing with a content removal request that needs to be applied to the
archive, the following steps need to be done:
- identify all the objects in the archive (mostly in the :ref:`Merkle DAG
<swh-merkle-dag>`) that need to be removed,
- build a properly encrypted recovery bundle with all the objects listed previously,
- store and identify this bundle in a dedicated storage,
- remove all the identified :py:class:`Content <swh.model.model.Content>`
objects from all the :ref:`objstorages <swh-objstorage>` under the legal and
technical responsibility of |swh|,
- remove all the identified objects from all the :ref:`storages <swh-storage>`
under the legal and technical responsibility of |swh|,
- remove all the identified objects from all the secondary data silos, namely
the :ref:`kafka journal <swh-journal>`, them :ref:`search index
<swh-search>`, the :ref:`compressed graph <swh-graph>` and the :ref:`vault cache
- possibly: ensure the origins the removal request is targeting are excluded
from any future archival
Note that handling archive content removal can also imply masking them
(temporarily or permanently); for example during the examination process of
suppression request, it might be necessary to hide all the impacted objects
until a decision is made for each of them.
Name change
A person may ask for their former identity not to be published any more. When
this request has been handled and accepted, any occurrence of the former
identity of the person associated with archived version control system objects
(such as commits) will be replaced by the new one when using the public
endpoints of the archive (namely, browsing the archive, using public APIs,
using the vault).
Note that currently, only :py:class:`Revision <swh.model.model.Revision>` and
:py:class:`Release <swh.model.model.Release>` objects are affected by the
Read Access - Altering results
The |swh| component responsible for altering returned objects is the
<>`. It handles both the cases of
content that are still present in the archive but need to not to be published,
and the application of active name change requests. It stores in a dedicated
database a map of email to current display name to used to alter returned
Revision and Release objects, and a series of tables dedicated to handling
masking requests. These allow not to return at all an object from the archive
if it's under a currently active masking request.
As such, all the publicly accessible storage instances -- be it from the web
frontend, the public API (REST and GraphQL) or the :term:`vault` service -- are
using an access path that pass through the ``MaskingProxyStorage``.
Note that for services like the :term:`vault`, it will make it fail to perform the
requested cooking in some cases (especially for git history cooking, where the
cryptographic integrity of the generated git content is altered, thus invalid.)
Write Access - Preventing ingesting origins
When an origin has been identified as forbidden for any future archiving, we
use a dedicated storage proxy in the writing path to the archive to ensure this
cannot happen. The corresponding |swh| component is the
<>`. It is a simple proxy
storage keeping a list of forbidden origin URLs in a dedicated database, and
enforcing any matching origin URL to be ingested in the archive.
Citation workflow and architecture
Quick reminder on metadata objects
Metadata in *Software Heritage* is explained in detail in the document :ref:`Metadata workflow and
architecture <architecture-metadata>`. There are two types of metadata that are useful for citation, intrinsic and extrinsic. These two types can come from two
sources: the archive itself (raw metadata) and the
indexer (indexed metadata).
For each metadata type and metadata source, metadata can be extracted for a specific
object (``snapshot``, ``release``, ``revision``, ``directory``,
``content``), using its SWHID, or using the repository URL (``origin``).
In the latter case, it will return the metadata for the latest version
(latest visit snapshot) of the repository root directory on the main
Citation use cases
.. list-table:: Citation use cases
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* - ID
- As a
- I can
- so that
* - UC1 (v1, v2)
- Researcher
- retrieve a citation or BibTeX export for a software artifact directly on SWH interface
- the software will be cited with correct attribution
* - UC2 (v1, v2)
- Publisher (Episciences)
- retrieve a citation or BibTeX export for a software artifact programmatically
- expose BibTeX
* - UC3
- Aggregator (OpenAire)
- retrieve intrinsic metadata from SWH programmatically
- the software record will be enriched
Citation v1: data flow
In this version, *Software Heritage* can generate a citation in BibTeX
format from the raw intrinsic metadata available in the archive. The raw
intrinsic metadata used for citation will be a found ``codemeta.json``
file or, alternatively, a found ``citation.cff`` file in the repository.
As per metadata extraction:
* When given an ``origin`` URL, the citation will be generated from the latest version of the repository root directory metadata on the main branch.
* When given a SWHID object of type ``snapshot``, ``release`` or ``revision``, the citation will be generated from the repository root directory metadata, associated with that version.
* When given a ``directory`` object, if the SWHID is qualified with an anchor (explained in the document :ref:`SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs) <persistent-identifiers>`, the citation will be generated from the repository root directory metadata, associated with the anchor version.
.. warning::
However, if no anchor was specified, it will be generated directly from the metadata found in that directory.
* When given a ``content`` object, if the SWHID is qualified with an anchor, the citation will be generated from metadata of the repository root directory. If no anchor was specified, the citation cannot be generated due to a lack of information.
Citation v1: architecture
*Software Heritage* provides a web API (through :ref:`swh.web <swh-web>`) to generate
a citation, given an ``origin`` URL or a qualified SWHID.
The corresponding API endpoints are:
* ``/api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/origin/`` (example: ``/api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/origin/?citation_format=bibtex&origin_url=``)
* ``/api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/swhid/SWHID/`` (example: ``/api/1/raw-intrinsic-metadata/citation/swhid/?citation_format=bibtex&target_swhid=swh:1:dir:2dc0f462d191524530f5612d2935851505af41dd;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:2128ed4f25f2d7ae7c8b7950a611d69cf4429063/``)
Currently, the only allowed citation format value is BibTeX
This API uses intermediate utility methods:
* in :ref:`swh.web <swh-web>`, to retrieve raw intrinsic metadata, given an ``origin`` URL or a qualified SWHID, which return original ``codemeta.json`` and ``citation.cff`` files.
* in :ref:`swh.indexer <swh-indexer>`, to convert a ``codemeta.json`` or a ``citation.cff`` file into a BibTeX citation.
Codemeta/citation.cff to BibTeX mapping
A ``citation.cff`` file will be first converted into a ``codemeta.json``
document. The ``CFF`` to ``CodeMeta`` mapping can be found in the
repository <>`_.
The ``CodeMeta`` to ``BibTeX`` mapping, used for the converter, is
`currently under
review <>`_.
Note on BibTeX ``@software``, ``@softwareversion`` and ``@codefragment`` usage
The generated BibTeX citation can be of type ``@software``,
``@softwareversion`` or ``@codefragment``. The rule is the following:
* If SWHID is not specified,
* And if version is specified, then it will be ``@softwareversion``.
* Otherwise, it will be ``@software``.
* If SWHID is specified
* And is of type ``snapshot``, then it will be ``@software``.
* And is of type ``release``, ``revision`` or ``directory``, then it will be ``@softwareversion``.
* And is of type ``content``, then it will be ``@codefragment``.
A generated BibTeX example
.. code:: bibtex
author = "Di Cosmo, Roberto and Danelutto, Marco",
organization = "Inria and University Paris Diderot and University of Pisa",
license = "LGPL-2.0-only",
date = "2011-07-18",
year = "2011",
month = "07",
repository = "git+",
title = "Parmap",
swhid = "swh:1:snp:01b2cc89f4c423f1bda4757edd86ae4013b919b0;origin="
Citation v1: UI
Citation should be available in the webapp through a new *Citation* tab
under the *Permalinks* tab, that should open the *Permalinks/Citation*
In the current v1 version, citation is generated from raw intrinsic metadata, i.e. ``codemeta.json`` or ``citation.cff`` file.
.. mermaid::
title Metadata types and sources for citation generation
x-axis Raw --> Indexed
y-axis Extrinsic --> Intrinsic
codemeta.json: [0.25, 0.9]
citation.cff: [0.25, 0.75]
*Metadata types and sources for citation generation v1*
The next versions of the citation feature should include:
* New supported citation formats.
* Citation styles?
* On the API/backend side:
* v2: Generating citations from indexed intrinsic and extrinsic metadata (merging behaviour to be defined).
* v3: Authorities.
......@@ -9,4 +9,7 @@ Software Architecture
.. _objstorage-overview:
Object Storage Overview
The Object Storage: Contents
All the history and context of the archive is represented by
a graph (Merkle DAG) with the following nodes types:
- releases,
- revisions (commits)
- directories
- directory entries (file names)
This graph is stored in a database, commonly called "Graph" or
This database is currently based on PostgreSQL, and is going
to be migrated to Cassandra, which is more efficient in terms of
concurrent writing.
The source code itself (the content of the files) represents a huge
volume of data, and one can find exactly the same content in different
files. In order to avoid storing several times the same content,
contents are deduplicated: a single content is stored only once,
and all the files entries having this exact content will refer to the
same content.
These contents are stored in a customized file system, called
"Object Storage", each content being considered as an object.
Until now, the actual object storage is based on an open source
File System technology called ZFS.
The growth of the archive requires a more adapted technology,
and an few years ago, we chose Ceph, a distributed Storage
technology created by RedHat.
A specificity of Software Heritage is that each content has a
small size (half of our contents are less than 3KB), which is
much smaller than the minimum space used by Ceph to store a
single file (16KB).
Using Ceph directly would hence result in a massive waste of space.
So we needed to create a custom layer on top of Ceph to group
the data we store, using sharding techniques: a shard is a Ceph
object that contains many contents. In order to be able to retrieve
the single contents, we need to handle a mechanism that enables to
know where the content is located in the shard.
This layer is called Winery, and was developed especially for
Software Heritage by Easter Eggs.
.. thumbnail:: ../images/object-storage.svg
......@@ -5,17 +5,154 @@ Software Architecture Overview
From an end-user point of view, the |swh| platform consists in the
:term:`archive`, which can be accessed using the web interface or its REST API.
Behind the scene (and the web app) are several components/services that expose
different aspects of the |swh| :term:`archive` as internal RPC APIs.
:term:`archive`, which can be accessed using the web interface or its public
APIs (REST or GraphQL). Behind the scene (and the web app) are several
components/services that expose different aspects of the |swh| :term:`archive`
as internal RPC APIs.
These internal APIs have a dedicated database, usually PostgreSQL_.
These internal APIs have a dedicated database, typically PostgreSQL_ or
A global (and incomplete) view of this architecture looks like:
Big Pictures
.. thumbnail:: ../images/general-architecture.svg
General view of the |swh| architecture.
The Read-Only View
A global (and incomplete) view of this architecture, limited to components
involved when reading from the archive, looks like:
.. thumbnail:: ../images/general-architecture-read.svg
General view of the |swh| architecture when reading.
As you can see, there are quite a few parts in this infrastructure. We will come
back on each of them in more details later, but here is a quick description:
- **Ingress**: HTTP requests from the end user are received by a frontend ingress service (a
reverse proxy), responsible for routing and load balancing them to the proper
backend service.
- **WebApp**: this is the main |swh| frontend tier; it is a Django based HTTP server
responsible for handling most the frontend and public API requests (browsing
the archive or using the public REST API). Being a central component for any
user interaction, it needs to have access to most other |swh| services.
- **Authentication**: this is a Keycloak server used to handle authentication for
users that want to have authenticated access to the archive (using lifted
rate limiting, have access to administration boards, etc.)
- **Deposit**: this is a Django-based HTTP server with a very minimal UI (a single
static documentation page), but providing SWORD API allowing deposit partners
to upload software source code (with metadata) directly in the archive. It
also allows to check and have feedback on the status of previous deposits.
Since it is an authenticated only service, it has access toand uses the Keycloak
authentication service.
- **Counters**: a simple service maintaining general archive statistics. It is used
by the frontend to generate the per-forge counters and overall evolution
curves. It uses a Redis backend (for Hyperloglog counters).
- **Scheduler**: the scheduler service. This is needed by the webapp frontend to
get feedback for services like Save Code Now and like, or schedule new
loading and listing tasks for these services. This service uses a database
- **Vault**: the service responsible for managing and executing retrieval queries
(when a user wants to retrieve a whole directory or a whole git history).
This service uses a database storage.
- **Indexer Storage**: a data store that keeps track of all the indexed metadata
objects in the archive. It is used directly by the webapp frontend to get
information like the mimetype or the possible license of a content. This
service is using a database storage.
- **RO Storage**: the main storage service, hosting the whole |swh| archive
structure (but the file content themselves). In the context of the read
access to the archive, the Storage used is a Read-Only storage with a Masking
Proxy. This proxy allows to mask or modify on the fly objects that need
to be either hidden completely (typically when a takedown request is being
processed that impact the browsed object) or altered (typically when a person
asked for their former name not to be visible any more). The main storage can
be hosted either on a Postgresql database or a Cassandra one. The main
archive now uses Cassandra as main backend storage.
- **Search**: the |swh| search service. This service is using an Elasticsearch
- **Objstorage**: this data storage is used to store all the content blobs (the
actual source code files). It is a content-addressable object storage. The
|swh| objstorage provides an abstract frontend/API for many possible
backends. Currently the main archive is using a Ceph cluster for this, with a
custom layer (named Winery) in front to account for the specificities of the
|swh| workload (handle 10th of billions of small objects).
The Ingestion View
When looking at how software source code are harvested and ingested in the
archive, the global picture looks like:
.. thumbnail:: ../images/general-architecture-ingestion.svg
General view of the |swh| ingestion architecture.
.. Note:: :term:`REMD` in this pictures stands for :term:`raw extrinsic metadata`.
The central part of this setup is the scheduler service, responsible for
keeping track of loading, listing and a few other types of tasks. The task
execution framework uses Celery_ as backend. There are actually 2 completely
different tasks systems provided by both the scheduler and the side services:
- one is dedicated to managing the loading of source code from origins (aka spawning
:ref:`Loader <swh-loader-core>` tasks); these are one-shot celery tasks not
reified in the scheduler database,
- the other is a generic task scheduling service mostly responsible for
recurring tasks; especially :ref:`forge listing <swh-lister>` ones, but not
only. Some one-shot loading tasks are still handled by this scheduler
(especially loading origins from :term:`save code now` requests). There are
also :ref:`vault <swh-vault>` cooking tasks and deposit checker tasks that
are using this generic scheduler.
A more detailed view of this later is :ref:`available below
One noticeable point in this schematic is the presence of the :py:class:`Blocking
Proxy <>` in the :ref:`storage
<swh-storage>` configuration. This proxy is a helper to prevent from ingesting
from origins that have been disabled as a result of a takedown notice.
.. Note:: Even if not represented in this diagram, there are actually several
:term:`Scheduler Task` runner service instances running: one is scheduling
high priority :term:`Scheduler Task` (using a dedicated set of `celery
queues`_), typically for :term:`save code now` requests; one is special case
for scheduling first visits of a newly added forge or a :term:`bulk
on-demand archival` request (also using dedicated celery queues); the last
is responsible for scheduling all other standard (non priority)
:term:`Scheduler Task`.
.. Note:: Loading tasks are not represented by one-shot :term:`Scheduler Task`
instances (in the scheduler database) anymore, but the corresponding celery
tasks are directly spawned by the "loader scheduler" (it was not possible to
handle that many entries in the database efficiently). There is however
still an exception for deposit loading tasks that are still managed via this
generic scheduling scaffolding (mostly for historical reasons).
The Indexation View
The |swh| archive platform also comes with a complex indexation system. A view
from this indexation side would look like:
.. thumbnail:: ../images/general-architecture-indexation.svg
General view of the |swh| indexation architecture.
See the :ref:`swh-indexer` documentation for more details.
.. _architecture-tier-1:
......@@ -35,11 +172,31 @@ It relies on the :ref:`Object Storage <swh-objstorage>` service to store
the content of source code file themselves.
Both the Storage and Object Storage are designed as abstractions over possible
backends. The former supports both PostgreSQL (the current solution in production)
and Cassandra (a more scalable option we are exploring).
backends. The former supports both PostgreSQL (the former solution in production)
and Cassandra (a more scalable option, now used as main backend in production).
The latter supports a large variety of "cloud" object storage as backends,
as well as a simple local filesystem.
The main objective of an archive is to store facts forever. As such, it can be
viewed as an append-only infrastructure. However, it may be necessary to alter
the content of the archive to account for removal or alteration requests that
may happen `for several reasons`_.
We currently consider 2 types of alterations that may have to be done to the
- content removal: some objects stored in the archive should not be visible any
more; these can be either removed entirely or masked, depending on the
- personal identity modification: some personal information (namely the name
and email of a person) needs not to be visible any more.
These requirements have impact on the overall architecture of the archive.
Details are documented in a :ref:`dedicated section<alterations>`.
......@@ -56,6 +213,8 @@ when to visit again these repositories.
It is also the foundation of the :ref:`mirror` infrastructure, as it allows
mirrors to stay up to date.
.. _source_code_scrapping:
Source code scraping
......@@ -258,8 +417,8 @@ such as full-text search on origin URLs and metadata.
This service is a recent addition to the |swh| architecture based on ElasticSearch,
and is currently in use only for URL search.
Compressed Graph
:ref:`swh-graph <swh-graph>` is also a recent addition to the architecture
designed to complement the Storage using a specialized backend.
......@@ -336,13 +495,16 @@ designed to keep them in sync:
in the Journal and recreate it.
.. _Cassandra:
.. _celery:
.. _CodeMeta:
.. _CodeMeta:
.. _gitlab:
.. _PostgreSQL:
.. _Prometheus:
.. _PostgreSQL:
.. _Prometheus:
.. _publish-subscribe:
.. _Redis:
.. _Redis:
.. _SWORDv2:
.. _HyperLogLog:
.. _WebGraph:
.. _HyperLogLog:
.. _WebGraph:
.. _`for several reasons`:
.. _`celery queues`:
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ in this document for historical reasons.
repositories enabled (tracking: `#4833
* **2023-04-05** Completed first archival of `Replicant git repositories (splitted
* **2023-04-05** Completed first archival of `Replicant git repositories (split
in 7 forges) <>`_. Regular crawling of their
repositories enabled (tracking: `#4685
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ in this document for historical reasons.
repositories enabled (tracking: `#4674
* **2023-01-05** Completed first archival of `the Univeristy of Stuttgart gitlab forge
* **2023-01-05** Completed first archival of `the University of Stuttgart gitlab forge
<>`_. Regular crawling of
their repositories enabled (tracking: `#4712