[CEA] Prepare a productized replaying stack
Some constraints:
- Aws public bucket is not reachable from the CEA. We should ask for the whitelisting later when we will have gathered all the other sites we need [1].
- We need some monitoring, nothing is deployed yet on the CEA infra (but it will)
- A redis for the error reporting must be deployed
- The containerized replayers will probably be needed later for the mirrors
The best candidate right now is adapt the swh chart to be able to deployed the replayers in the elastic infra
[1] The li
- https://softwareheritage.s3.amazonaws.com
- public traffic to the kafka cluster broker[1-4?].journal.softwareheritage.org:9093 (need an network configuration update
😱 ) - https://objstorage.softwareheritage.org