staging: Deploy gitweb lister
That's also an excuse to have another round of checks on the pipeline concurrency issue (should be fixed). And the auto-deploy of the swh-next-version branch of swh-charts.
- Tag swh.lister v5.8.0
- debian package: Loop, fix, package 'til it works [1]
- scheduler0.staging: Upgrade python3-swh.lister (depends on ^)
- scheduler0.staging: Register new task type (depends on ^)
- swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!93 (diffs) swh-charts: Update docker image
- swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!92 (diffs): swh-charts: Reference new lister
- argocd: Deploy
- Schedule one new instance for listing (depends on the new task type being registered)
- Checks
- Show closed items
- #4986Extend archive coverage [Roadmap - Collect]
Newest first Oldest first
Show all activity Show comments only Show history only
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Tag swh.lister v5.8.0. as completed
marked the checklist item Tag swh.lister v5.8.0. as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@845b1279
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@845b1279
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!92 (merged)
mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!92 (merged)
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@8a9ee2bb
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@8a9ee2bb
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!93 (diffs) swh-charts: Update docker image as completed
marked the checklist item swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!93 (diffs) swh-charts: Update docker image as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!92 (diffs): swh-charts: Reference new lister as completed
marked the checklist item swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!92 (diffs): swh-charts: Reference new lister as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item argocd: Deploy as completed
marked the checklist item argocd: Deploy as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-lister@e2587e30
mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-lister@e2587e30
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-lister@a6d89f1e
mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-lister@a6d89f1e
- Author Owner
debian package: Loop, fix, package 'til it works
See 2 previous commits in the issue history. History of builds [1]
Unstable got unstuck [1], stable build ongoing [2].
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont - Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item debian package: Loop, fix, package 'til it works as completed
marked the checklist item debian package: Loop, fix, package 'til it works as completed
- Author Owner
New lister packaged and installed:
Unpacking python3-swh.lister (5.8.0-2~swh1~bpo10+1) over (5.7.4-1~swh1~bpo10+1) ... Setting up python3-regex (0.1.20190207-1) ... Setting up python3-tzlocal (1.5.1-1) ... Setting up python3-dateparser (0.7.1-1) ... Setting up python3-swh.lister (5.8.0-2~swh1~bpo10+1) ... root@scheduler0:~# dpkg -l python3-swh.lister* | grep ii ii python3-swh.lister 5.8.0-2~swh1~bpo10+1 all Software Heritage Listers (bitbucket, git(lab|hub), pypi, etc...)
- Author Owner
New gitweb task type lister registered
swhscheduler@scheduler0:~$ swh scheduler --config-file /etc/softwareheritage/scheduler/backend.yml task-type register ... INFO:swh.scheduler.cli.task_type:Loading entrypoint for plugin lister.gitweb INFO:swh.scheduler.cli.task_type:Create task type list-gitweb in scheduler ...
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item scheduler0.staging: Upgrade python3-swh.lister (depends on ^) as completed
marked the checklist item scheduler0.staging: Upgrade python3-swh.lister (depends on ^) as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item scheduler0.staging: Register new task type (depends on ^) as completed
marked the checklist item scheduler0.staging: Register new task type (depends on ^) as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Author Owner
Schedule one new instance for listing (depends on the new task type being registered)
Scheduled [1] and listing went fine [2]. Some origins got scheduled too [3]
swhscheduler@scheduler0:~$ swh scheduler --url add-forge-now --preset staging schedule-first-visits --type-name git --lister-name gitweb --lister-instance-name 100 slots available in celery queue 10 visits to send to celery
$ kail --context archive-staging-rke2 -n swh -d lister-gitweb --since 24h | grep "Listed\|succeeded\|Fetched" swh/lister-gitweb-8bcbfc857-q87zm[listers]: {"asctime": "2023-07-11 13:20:59,393", "threadName": "MainThread", "pathname": "/opt/swh/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/app/", "lineno": 131, "funcName": "info", "task_name": null, "task_id": null, "name": "", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "Task swh.lister.gitweb.tasks.GitwebListerTask[45bf72b1-ab0f-4ed5-ad4e-428b500188a9] succeeded in 4.421983942389488s: {'pages': 1, 'origins': 10}", "data": {"id": "45bf72b1-ab0f-4ed5-ad4e-428b500188a9", "name": "swh.lister.gitweb.tasks.GitwebListerTask", "return_value": "{'pages': 1, 'origins': 10}", "runtime": 4.421983942389488, "args": "[]", "kwargs": "{'url': '', 'max_pages': 3, 'enable_origins': False, 'max_origins_per_page': 10}"}}
swhscheduler@scheduler0:~$ swh scheduler --url add-forge-now --preset staging register-lister gitweb url= Created 1 tasks Task 33421851 Next run: today (2023-07-11T13:19:29.086999+00:00) Interval: 1 day, 0:00:00 Type: list-gitweb Policy: oneshot Args: Keyword args: enable_origins: False max_origins_per_page: 10 max_pages: 3 url: ''
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Schedule one new instance for listing (depends on the new task type being registered) as completed
marked the checklist item Schedule one new instance for listing (depends on the new task type being registered) as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Checks as completed
marked the checklist item Checks as completed
- Author Owner
Ingestion is fine too
$ kail --context archive-staging-rke2 -n swh-cassandra -d loader-add-forge-now --since 24h | grep "Listed\|succeeded\|Fetched" | cut -d':' -f2- | jq -r .message Listed 2 refs for repo Fetched 13 objects; 12 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[dc864157-92d3-438c-b721-b9d451f9b792] succeeded in 8.395855624228716s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 7 refs for repo Listed 5 refs for repo Fetched 218 objects; 214 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[5e7d551c-c938-4c79-bf58-43565047f3eb] succeeded in 27.867278615012765s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 2 refs for repo Fetched 46 objects; 46 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[4defb0e7-436b-4323-9b2e-be261f21c7d9] succeeded in 2.1545015489682555s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 5 refs for repo Fetched 198 objects; 191 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[f87efc78-f06c-4d0e-b61e-5f9fbc15b7d5] succeeded in 14.022260729689151s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 4 refs for repo Fetched 54 objects; 54 are new
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-environment@df358713
mentioned in commit swh/devel/swh-environment@df358713
- Antoine R. Dumont closed
- Author Owner
Listed a subset of another instance and ingestion went fine too. It's readily deployable in production.
kail --context archive-staging-rke2 -n swh-cassandra -d loader-add-forge-now --since 24h | grep "Listed\|succeeded\|Fetched" | cut -d':' -f2- | jq -r .message Listed 2 refs for repo Fetched 13 objects; 12 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[dc864157-92d3-438c-b721-b9d451f9b792] succeeded in 8.395855624228716s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 7 refs for repo Listed 5 refs for repo Fetched 218 objects; 214 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[5e7d551c-c938-4c79-bf58-43565047f3eb] succeeded in 27.867278615012765s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 2 refs for repo Fetched 46 objects; 46 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[4defb0e7-436b-4323-9b2e-be261f21c7d9] succeeded in 2.1545015489682555s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 5 refs for repo Fetched 198 objects; 191 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[f87efc78-f06c-4d0e-b61e-5f9fbc15b7d5] succeeded in 14.022260729689151s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 4 refs for repo Fetched 54 objects; 54 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[2c026e93-fb9f-4cf7-9db9-b3188e79a082] succeeded in 8.820461101364344s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 2 refs for repo Listed 49 refs for repo Fetched 40 objects; 40 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[7877505e-1a8a-47d3-8cb8-b2c80c570230] succeeded in 3.0848254952579737s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 3 refs for repo Fetched 201 objects; 201 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[da75a4ac-d611-4b46-b0b9-153e5f4eeb40] succeeded in 7.747681633103639s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 56 refs for repo Fetched 962 objects; 955 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[1751044e-eb7b-45a6-9a89-7146e18276ac] succeeded in 74.8138900604099s: {'status': 'eventful'} Fetched 6433 objects; 5452 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[d9b81e3a-1731-4771-902f-15a5c56e83ef] succeeded in 324.9713585691061s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 5 refs for repo git:// Fetched 362 objects; 199 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[1e5e9f19-1965-4d70-8c1f-238ea8a45264] succeeded in 8.24041585996747s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 5 refs for repo git:// Fetched 146 objects; 134 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[f8afa887-da5d-493a-84f1-ce6212957456] succeeded in 15.333778845146298s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 78 refs for repo git:// Listed 3 refs for repo git:// Fetched 3801 objects; 37 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[d563a83b-2187-44a6-8b11-5d5dfe3e3139] succeeded in 7.32580466195941s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 3 refs for repo git:// Fetched 79 objects; 76 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[ba084f3d-fa93-4e78-abdd-d504fa9f0b2f] succeeded in 1.9993559278082103s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 6 refs for repo git:// Fetched 277 objects; 247 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[1d5f0713-d6e4-4e84-8abb-55c16aadb626] succeeded in 23.840192390838638s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 25 refs for repo git:// Fetched 4674 objects; 670 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[268a1655-b9eb-497a-9be6-9db5cd953260] succeeded in 58.90320560336113s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 6 refs for repo git:// Fetched 101 objects; 98 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[ba1c5558-ce95-481e-ae39-a43abe3439d9] succeeded in 11.822136281058192s: {'status': 'eventful'} Listed 19 refs for repo git:// Fetched 462 objects; 114 are new Task swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository[c91db74d-e099-4fd7-9005-626bfe4b9c27] succeeded in 3.362644884735346s: {'status': 'eventful'}
- Antoine R. Dumont marked this issue as related to #4986 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #4986 (closed)
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in issue swh/meta#5047 (closed)
mentioned in issue swh/meta#5047 (closed)
- Antoine R. Dumont changed milestone to %Extend archive coverage [Roadmap - Collect]
changed milestone to %Extend archive coverage [Roadmap - Collect]
- Antoine R. Dumont added activity::Deployment label
added activity::Deployment label