[ipfs] Test the ipfs bridge in the docker environment
- Dockerize the https://github.com/obsidiansystems/go-ipfs-swh-plugin ipfs bridge
- Test and document the usage / network
changed milestone to %Deploy an IPFS backend
changed the description
added activity::Implementation label
assigned to @vsellier
added state:wip label
mentioned in commit swh-apps@8424eca3
mentioned in merge request swh-apps!18 (merged)
added 4h of time spent at 2023-03-14
mentioned in commit swh-apps@0c8d0848
marked the checklist item Test and document the usage / network as completed
marked the checklist item Dockerize the https://github.com/obsidiansystems/go-ipfs-swh-plugin ipfs bridge as completed
The ipfs gateway can be tested following this documentation: https://gitlab.softwareheritage.org/swh/infra/swh-apps/-/tree/master/apps/ipfs-gateway