Project 'infra/sysadm-environment' was moved to 'swh/infra/sysadm-environment'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
"NotFound: CVS module not found" because of encoding issues
NotFound: CVS module ��������� �������� not found at rsync://
File "swh/loader/core/", line 335, in load
File "swh/loader/cvs/", line 403, in prepare
self.fetch_cvs_repo_with_rsync(, url.path)
File "swh/loader/cvs/", line 355, in fetch_cvs_repo_with_rsync
"CVS module %s not found at %s" % (self.cvs_module_name, url)
Loading failure, updating to `not_found` status
Some example errors:
CVS module Jos� not found at rsync://
CVS module ricardomu�oz not found at rsync://
CVS module rickymu�oz not found at rsync://
CVS module ��������� �������� not found at rsync://
Migrated from T4041 (view on Phabricator)