version 0.8.3
version 0.8.1
v0.8.0 - Migrate to copier, PEP420 and pyproject.toml based packaging.
v0.7.0 - Ensure tasks can be scheduled - loader: Handle CVS module with no changesets - loader: Raise NotFound when CVS repo no longer fetchable with rsync - loader: Fix loading when CVSROOT/config file is missing
v0.6.0 cvsclient: Do not abort checkout when skipping $Log$ keyword expansion
version 0.4.0
v0.3.0 - cvs.loader: Decrease log level verbosity to debug - add strict asyncio_mode in pytest.ini - add missing sentry captures
v0.2.1 - Fix description content-type to markdown
v0.2.0 - Update for swh.loader.core 3.0.0 and remove initialization boilerplate - docs: Simplify listing syntax - docs: Fix reference syntax - pre-commit: Remove codespell commit-msg hook
v0.1.2 * Update for swh.loader.core 3.0.0 * pre-commit maintainance * docs: Fix syntax
v0.1.0 - Validate input paths in the CVS loader - swh.loader.cvs.tasks: Fix parameter uses to the ones needed
Release v0.0.2 Initial PyPI release.