cli: Fix the 'run' command for package loaders
The visit is expected to be kept as an attribute of the 'run' cli command, so make it be the case for package loaders as well.
This probably should be properly handled at interface level as well...
Merge request reports
Jenkins job DLDBASE/gitlab-builds #404 failed in 1 min 42 sec.
See Console Output, Blue Ocean and Coverage Report for more details.@jenkins try again
Jenkins job DLDBASE/gitlab-builds #405 failed in 1 min 40 sec.
See Console Output, Blue Ocean and Coverage Report for more details.@jenkins retry build
Jenkins job DLDBASE/gitlab-builds #407 failed in 1 min 39 sec.
See Console Output, Blue Ocean and Coverage Report for more details.Jenkins job DLDBASE/gitlab-builds #414 succeeded in 2 min 10 sec.
See Console Output, Blue Ocean and Coverage Report for more details.Note: this makes the pypi example given in the doc works again, but it also raises the concern of many package loaders using an "API" based on an
argument, which, being a complex entry (iterable of structured objects), makes it de facto incompatible with a a simple cli call.Not sure if we should (and how) "fix" this improving this pattern to make it usable for this cli tool.
For the record, you can pass complex parameters to the CLI but you need to JSON encode them. For instance the call below executes the RPM lister for CentOS:
$ swh -l DEBUG lister run -l rpm url= instance=CentOS rpm_src_data='[{"base_url": "", "releases": ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "4.0", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3", "4.4", "4.5", "4.6", "4.7", "4.8", "4.9", "5.0", "5.1", "5.2", "5.3", "5.4", "5.5", "5.6", "5.7", "5.8", "5.9", "5.10", "5.11", "6.0", "6.1", "6.2", "6.3", "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9", "6.10", "7.0.1406", "7.1.1503", "7.2.1511", "7.3.1611", "7.4.1708", "7.5.1804", "7.6.1810", "7.7.1908", "7.8.2003", "7.9.2009", "8-stream", "8.0.1905", "8.1.1911", "8.2.2004", "8.3.2011", "8.4.2105", "8.5.2111"], "components": ["AppStream", "BaseOS", "HighAvailability", "PowerTools", "SCL", "addons", "centosplus", "contrib", "cr", "csgfs", "dotnet", "extras", "fasttrack", "opstools", "os", "rt", "testing", "updates", "xen4"], "index_url_templates": ["$base_url/$release/$component/Source/", "$base_url/$release/$component/SRPMS/", "$base_url/$release/$component/x86_64/"]}, {"base_url": "", "releases": ["9-stream"], "components": ["AppStream", "BaseOS", "CRB", "HighAvailability", "NFV", "RT", "ResilientStorage"], "index_url_templates": ["$base_url/$release/$component/source/tree/"]}]'
This is quite verbose for sure but it works.