Tools to compute multiple indexes on SWH's raw contents:
- content:
- mimetype
- ctags
- language
- fossology-license
- metadata
- revision:
- metadata
An indexer is in charge of:
- looking up objects
- extracting information from those objects
- store those information in the swh-indexer db
There are multiple indexers working on different object types:
- content indexer: works with content sha1 hashes
- revision indexer: works with revision sha1 hashes
- origin indexer: works with origin identifiers
Indexation procedure:
- receive batch of ids
- retrieve the associated data depending on object type
- compute for that object some index
- store the result to swh's storage
Current content indexers:
mimetype (queue swh_indexer_content_mimetype): detect the encoding and mimetype
language (queue swh_indexer_content_language): detect the programming language
ctags (queue swh_indexer_content_ctags): compute tags information
fossology-license (queue swh_indexer_fossology_license): compute the license
metadata: translate file into translated_metadata dict
Current revision indexers:
- metadata: detects files containing metadata and retrieves translated_metadata in content_metadata table in storage or run content indexer to translate files.