Ingest darcsden
A lister is needed for darcsden, a forge for hosting darcs repositories.
The front page has a list of links to users with public repos:
curl -sL $site | pup 'li.username a attr{href}' | sed "s_^_$site_"
The user pages have a list of public repositories:
curl -sL $user | pup 'a.public-repo attr{href}'
The repo web pages mention the links to the darcs get
curl -sL $repo | pup 'li.geturl input attr{value}'
Web searching for "darcsden" "built"
finds instances, but there is only one instance as far as I can tell, but it contains 2600 public repos, which is probably almost all of the public darcs repos that exist on the web, although there definitely are some more.
This issue is blocked by having a loader for darcs repos (#273).
- Implement lister
- #273 Implement loader
- docker: Run lister
- docker: Run loader
- Document lister
- Document loader
- Deploy on staging
- Call for public review
- Deploy on production