Deploy add-forge-now MVP in staging (included in swh-web v0.0.377)
Time to deploy:
swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site!495 (closed): Toggle off the feature in production and on in staging
Deploy those configuration change [2]
Give jayesh the right permission so he can do the demo on monday (staging keycloak [3])
[-] Package swh-web (@anlambert tagged swh-web v0.0.377, jenkins build ongoing)
swh/devel/swh-web!1077 (closed): Unstuck build failure
buster build ok so we can deploy nonetheless [3]
Deploy swh-web
Restart gunicorn-swh-web service
Ensure everything is fine in the staging instance [1]
[2] prod: moma ; staging:
Migrated from T4061 (view on Phabricator)