Document types/sources of object corruption
After we are done with swh/devel/experiments/swh-db-audit#75 (moved)
Migrated from T3860 (view on Phabricator)
After we are done with swh/devel/experiments/swh-db-audit#75 (moved)
Migrated from T3860 (view on Phabricator)
marked this issue as related to swh/devel/experiments/swh-db-audit#75 (moved)
added Archive content Documentation priority:High labels
got a list of weirdness types here: and
this does not cover corruption types we had because of our own libraries though (the many issues libgit2 had, or dropping gpgsig when using Dulwich (swh/devel/swh-loader-git!67 (closed)))
added activity::Documentation label
changed milestone to %Regularly scrub journal, storage, and objstorage [Roadmap - Preserve]