Organize FORCE2021 Software Citation Hackathon
The Software Citation Implementation Working Group is preparing a small hackathon for December 2021. The focus point is software citation and software citation formats. Organizing team:
- Martin Fenner
- Morane Gruenpeter
- Arfon Smith
- Daniel Garijo
- Neil Chue Hong
Tasks that can be part of this hackathon are:
- Improve Codemeta documentation and examples (add links to existing tools)
- Update crosswalk between CITATION.cff and codemeta
- Do croswalk from BibLaTeX to codemeta
- Improve citation style support in GitHub CFF implementation
- Thinking session: tracking the impact of good metadata
- Implement citation button for directories with codemeta or CFF (swh/devel/swh-web#3494)
- Update the GitHub citable code guide
- Write a GitHub Action to help authors keep their CFF files up to date (e.g., when a new release is published)
- Write a GitHub Action (with configuration options) that allow people to follow best practices with their software citation practices (e.g., semantic versioning, archiving, generating metadata (Codemeta, CFF), ...)
- Improve the codemeta generator tool
- Discuss on how to have a support system for creating metadata/citation files
- Get support for your metadata problems
The schedule: Monday December 6th Launch 13.00 - 14.00 GMT Group work 14.00 - 16.30 GMT Checkpoint 16.30 - 17.00 GMT
Friday December 10th Checkpoint 13.00 - 13.30 GMT Group work 14.00 - 16.30 GMT Wrap-up 16.00 - 17.00 GMT
Some of the tasks are important for SWH and a dev participant from the team would be a great addition.
Migrated from T3723 (view on Phabricator)