We have URL //indexes// for all of them already, retrieved thanks to collaboration via the relevant Google team.
The indexes are on uffizi:/srv/softwareheritage/mirrors/code.google.com/indexes
Attention: as of today, we have a bit less than two months left before Google erases all the original VCS from Google Code. After that date, only the archived version will remain, that may be incorrect.
So we have only a bit less than two months to report bugs up to them
Uffizi's disk state regarding those source archives (including project.json):
ardumont@uffizi:/srv/storage/space/mirrors/code.google.com/sources/v2$ date; du -sh *; dateSun May 1 14:08:23 CEST 20169.0G apache-extras.org44T code.google.com82G eclipselabs.orgSun May 1 17:07:31 CEST 2016
But then, what's happening to the swh_fetcher_googlecode_archive queue on rabbitmq? It has been filled up again, and it's up to 1.2M jobs in there, with one consumer working on it.