Enable the swh-search environment in staging
Deploy a dedicated elasticsearch node (1 node to start, we'll see if a cluster is needed)
Deploy a rpc search service
webapp.staging uses the search service
Deploy a search journal client (read from kafka / Write to ES)
Deploy a search journal client for indexed metadata topic [1]
[1] Deployed but currently stuck due to #2876 (closed)
Migrated from T2817 (view on Phabricator)
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- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to #2590 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #2590 (closed)
- Vincent Sellier changed title from Enable the swh-search in staging to Enable the swh-search environment in staging
changed title from Enable the swh-search in staging to Enable the swh-search environment in staging
- Vincent Sellier changed the description
changed the description
- Vincent Sellier added state:wip label
added state:wip label
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@06327419
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@06327419
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@017e1cd6
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@017e1cd6
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@de7c399e
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@de7c399e
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@8592fd52
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@8592fd52
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@2dd0ddba
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@2dd0ddba
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@6273f496
mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@6273f496
- Vincent Sellier changed the description
changed the description
- Author Maintainer
dedicated ES node for staging deployed (
) with swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning!45 (closed) and swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site!270 (closed) - Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@cd37882b
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@cd37882b
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@5cff2306
mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@5cff2306
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@e95a5d80
mentioned in commit swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning@e95a5d80
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@97ce4d5d
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@97ce4d5d
- Maintainer
We added a volume of 100Gib to the search-esnode0 through terraform (swh/infra/swh-sysadmin-provisioning!46 (closed)). So we could mount the /srv/elasticsearch as zfs volume.
root@search-esnode0:~# apt install linux-headers-`uname -r` # otherwise, zfs-dkms install is not happy root@search-esnode0:~# apt install zfs-dkms ## reboot root@search-esnode0:~# systemctl stop kafka root@search-esnode0:~# rm -rf /srv/kafka/logdir/* root@search-esnode0:~# zpool create -f elasticsearch-volume -m /srv/kafka/logdir /dev/vdb root@search-esnode0:~# zfs set relatime=on elasticsearch-volume root@search-esnode0:~# zpool list NAME SIZE ALLOC FREE CKPOINT EXPANDSZ FRAG CAP DEDUP HEALTH ALTROOT elasticsearch-volume 99.5G 184K 99.5G - - 0% 0% 1.00x ONLINE - root@search-esnode0:~# puppet agent --test # to rectify the permissions adequately Info: Loading facts [27/463] Info: Caching catalog for search-esnode0.internal.staging.swh.network Info: Applying configuration version '1607081929' Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Elasticsearch/File[/srv/elasticsearch]/owner: owner changed 'root' to 'elasticsearch' Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Elasticsearch/File[/srv/elasticsearch]/group: group changed 'root' to 'elasticsearch' Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Elasticsearch/File[/srv/elasticsearch]/mode: mode changed '0755' to '2755' Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Elasticsearch/Service[elasticsearch]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running' Info: /Stage[main]/Profile::Elasticsearch/Service[elasticsearch]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[elasticsearch] Notice: Applied catalog in 15.19 seconds root@search-esnode0:~# root@search-esnode0:~# systemctl status elasticsearch.service ● elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d └─elasticsearch.conf Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 11:39:08 UTC; 4s ago Docs: https://www.elastic.co # reboot to be sure # status: everything is fine!
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@725cfe44
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-environment@725cfe44
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@73f427c8
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@73f427c8