Revamp "Support" page
Move the "call for action" columns from the Archive page to the Support main page (and add a Mirrors image pointing to a forthcoming Mirrors page)
Migrated from T2011 (view on Phabricator)
Move the "call for action" columns from the Archive page to the Support main page (and add a Mirrors image pointing to a forthcoming Mirrors page)
Migrated from T2011 (view on Phabricator)
assigned to @anlambert
marked this issue as related to #2008 (moved)
added Communication Web app Website priority:High labels
First draft of the revamped support page can be found here:
Cool, can we try to have the 4 columns of "you can help" on the same row, like the ones below?
Yes we can. I have updated the page accordingly.
Very nice, that's a GO for me :-)
Closing this as the revamped support page is now deployed to production for all languages: