Fix swh-environment's jenkins build
It's been red for a while now.
The gist of what's running for the build is [1]:
mr -j 4 -t update
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install pifpaf pytest
pifpaf run postgresql echo "pifpaf OK"
pip install $(bin/pip-swh-packages --with-testing)
pifpaf run postgresql sh -- -c 'for d in swh-*; do (echo Testing in $d; cd $d; pytest); done' [2]
[2] is breaking either for missing dependencies (pip) or system one
We need to take the time to analyze further and improve the current way of doing it.
Migrated from T1440 (view on Phabricator)