11:17:47 softwareheritage@db:5432=> select count(*) from origin where type='git' and url like 'https://gitlab.inria.fr%';┌───────┐│ count │├───────┤│ 1006 │└───────┘(1 row)Time: 16222.339 ms (00:16.222)11:18:21 softwareheritage@db:5432=> select count(*) from origin o inner join origin_visit ov on o.id=ov.origin where type='git' and url like 'https://gitlab.inria.fr%';┌───────┐│ count │├───────┤│ 1006 │└───────┘(1 row)Time: 7215.516 ms (00:07.216) ; this was 0 on friday (at the deployment time)
[1] Like for the main gitlab.com instance the first time, i up-ed their task priority to 'high' for this to happen.