Migrate staging next version database to a kubernetes service managed by a postgresql operator
Determine which postgresql operator to test: cloudnative (see comment below) -
POC with cloudnative's postgres operator (Note [1]) -
Install a postgresql cluster (tested) -
Monitoring through prometheus/grafana (tested) -
Connect to postgres (psql) (tested) -
Import existing databases (tested) -
Backup -
configure wal (minio test) -
backup -
Rolling update (read) -
Replication -
Upgrade operator in a cluster (read/tested) -
Postgresql configuration change
Local tests on test-staging-rke2 -
swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!411 (closed): Replicate the cluster installed through a chart in test-staging-rke2 -
swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!416 (merged): Test: switch over the swh-cassandra-next-version services to run with kube managed dbs -
web -
metallb: Allow it to attach specific ip to service
[1] https://hedgedoc.softwareheritage.org/3kj8tLHSTh-dMBsI5_Ehww
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont