Deploy next swh version >= v146
- Tags all impacted modules
- swh.deposit v1.3.3: Fixed runtime server dependencies (and django4 compatibility)
- swh.vault v1.10.0: Migrated celery tasks to the task type registration routine (should be a noop?!)
- v1.18: Implement ObjectDeletionInterface in storage backends pg & cass (no migration)
- swh.scheduler v1.12: Fix runtime dependencies declaration and add some docker test backend
- swh.dataset v1.3.6: Fix timezone issues, documentation and fix dependencies (no impact on deployment though)
Fix broken deposit debian package (w/ @anlambert who had the last work
- storage1.staging: Upgrade package & Restart gunicorn-swh-storage
- deposit.staging: Upgrade package & Restart gunicorn-swh-deposit
- swh-charts: Merge new versions
- Let argocd deploy
- Tag grafana with "deployment service=storage service=scheduler service=vault service=deposit environment=staging"
- Checks
- saam, moma, webapp1: Upgrade package & Restart gunicorn-swh-storage (if storage is impacted)
- moma: Upgrade package & restart gunicorn-swh-deposit
- vangogh: Upgrade package & restart gunicorn-swh-vault
- swh-charts: Merge staging branch into production
- Let argocd deploy
- Tag grafana with "deployment service=storage service=scheduler service=vault service=deposit environment=production"
- Checks