Make swh services push their textual log records as json records
Currently only the bzr and git loader in staging are doing so.
swh-apps: Reference new deps python-json-logger to their respective requirements.txt
- swh-lister
- swh-loader-cvs
- swh-loader-svn
- swh-loader-mercurial
- swh-loader-package
- swh-loader-savecodenow
- swh-vault-cookers
- swh-deposit-checkers
- Rebuild various impacted docker images (with the new deps)
- swh-charts: Bump new version of docker images
- staging: Check everything is fine ^
- Deploy to production
swh-charts: Adapt chart so they can output json log records (only loader is able to currently)
- lister
- vault cookers
- deposit checker
- loaders
- Activate services ^ to log as json records
- Deploy in staging first
- Check everything is fine
- Deploy to production