[cassandra] Configure staging cassandra and populate backend
Cassandra service is basically configured in puppet. It will need more tuning.
Problematic: Test Cassandra as main backend in staging. We need in parallel a postgresql backend which needs up-to-date with the cassandra backend.
- Install data model in cassandra (create keyspace with the proper replication factor and strategy) [1]
- Install redis stack to capture replayer problems
- Trigger journal replayer to fill in cassandra at postgresql's current level
Install reaper (in charge of triggering repairs regularly)
- Install keyspace
- Install cluster seed in reaper ui
- Install reaper application in staging cluster
- Add storage replayer redis configuration so they can report replaying issues
- Reset topics consumption so they replay from scratch
- (ongoing) replayer fill-in cassandra
- scrubber: Configure for cassandra
- Checks
CREATE KEYSPACE swh WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'sesi_rocquencourt_staging': '3'} AND durable_writes = true;
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- Author Owner
- Basic checks regarding jmx connection [1]
- Create keyspace with the proper replication factor and strategy [2]
root@cassandra1:~# PASSWD=$(cat /etc/cassandra/jmxremote.password | awk '{print $2}') root@cassandra1:~# for n in $(seq 1 3); do /opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool -h cassandra$n -u cassandra --password $PASSWD status; done Datacenter: sesi_rocquencourt_staging ===================================== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 128.05 KiB 16 59.3% 76e43f7a-e1fc-405b-b3ef-361bb7e76b72 rack1 UN 123.43 KiB 16 64.7% 91e480eb-8f3c-4f8b-b4d4-1b5fe377e3f7 rack1 UN 129.64 KiB 16 76.0% 4f4fddc0-b7ce-468d-80dc-58cbfe23d030 rack1 Datacenter: sesi_rocquencourt_staging ===================================== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 128.05 KiB 16 59.3% 76e43f7a-e1fc-405b-b3ef-361bb7e76b72 rack1 UN 123.43 KiB 16 64.7% 91e480eb-8f3c-4f8b-b4d4-1b5fe377e3f7 rack1 UN 129.64 KiB 16 76.0% 4f4fddc0-b7ce-468d-80dc-58cbfe23d030 rack1 Datacenter: sesi_rocquencourt_staging ===================================== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 128.05 KiB 16 59.3% 76e43f7a-e1fc-405b-b3ef-361bb7e76b72 rack1 UN 123.43 KiB 16 64.7% 91e480eb-8f3c-4f8b-b4d4-1b5fe377e3f7 rack1 UN 129.64 KiB 16 76.0% 4f4fddc0-b7ce-468d-80dc-58cbfe23d030 rack1
root@cassandra1:~# /opt/cassandra/bin/cqlsh $(hostname -f) Connected to archive_staging at cassandra1.internal.staging.swh.network:9042 [cqlsh 6.0.0 | Cassandra 4.0.8 | CQL spec 3.4.5 | Native protocol v5] Use HELP for help. cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE swh WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'sesi_rocquencourt_staging': '3'} AND durable_writes = true; cqlsh> DESCRIBE KEYSPACES swh system_auth system_schema system_views system system_distributed system_traces system_virtual_schema
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Install data model in cassandra (create keyspace with the proper replication factor and strategy) [1] as completed
marked the checklist item Install data model in cassandra (create keyspace with the proper replication factor and strategy) [1] as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@8eaac6ee
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@8eaac6ee
- Author Owner
Prepare redis installation:
$ cat ./redis-operator.yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: archive-staging-rke2-redis-operator namespace: argocd spec: project: default source: chart: redis-operator repoURL: 'https://ot-container-kit.github.io/helm-charts/' targetRevision: 0.14.3 helm: releaseName: redis-operator destination: server: https://rancher.euwest.azure.internal.softwareheritage.org/k8s/clusters/c-m-9n5h9nrf namespace: redis syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true $ kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.d/archive-staging-rke2.yaml create namespace redis namespace/redis created $ kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.d/cluster-admin.yaml apply -f ./redis-operator.yaml application.argoproj.io/archive-staging-rke2-redis-operator created
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Install redis stack to capture replayer problems as completed
marked the checklist item Install redis stack to capture replayer problems as completed
- Author Owner
Install the redis instance (for the replayer to push their issues if any) [1]
$ cd k8s-cluster-config $ git pull $ git checkout staging-cassandra $ kubectl --context cluster-admin -f local-persistent-provisioner-application.yaml application.argoproj.io/archive-staging-rke2-local-persistent-provisioner created $ kubectl --context cluster-admin -f redis.yaml application.argoproj.io/archive-staging-rke2-redis configured
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Vincent Sellier added cassandra state:wip labels
- Vincent Sellier added 4h of time spent at 2023-03-21
added 4h of time spent at 2023-03-21
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!39 (merged)
mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts!39 (merged)
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf!18 (merged)
mentioned in merge request swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf!18 (merged)
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@d3b000fb
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@d3b000fb
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@d182b83e
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@d182b83e
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@cf194185
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@cf194185
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Trigger journal replayer to fill in cassandra at postgresql's current level as completed
marked the checklist item Trigger journal replayer to fill in cassandra at postgresql's current level as completed
- Owner
- replayers are deployed and running on the staging cluster (namespace
) - cassandra's monitoring is deployed, the grafana dashboards needed to be updated to select the production or staging nodes
Some "adjustement" are still needed:
- redis configuration to store the replayer failures
- repear installation and configuration
- replayers are deployed and running on the staging cluster (namespace
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@84cd39c3
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@84cd39c3
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@9eefae89
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@9eefae89
- Owner
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Author Owner
- Install the keyspace for reaper in cassandra backend [1]
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE reaper_db WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'sesi_rocquencourt_staging': 3}; cqlsh>
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont - Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@f3c5c607
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@f3c5c607
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@d9b8f095
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@d9b8f095
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@f85c99c1
mentioned in commit swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site@f85c99c1
- Author Owner
@guillaume is working on this too.
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@53bac30d
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@53bac30d
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@ee3b778c
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@ee3b778c
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Install reaper application in staging cluster as completed
marked the checklist item Install reaper application in staging cluster as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Install reaper (in charge of triggering repairs regularly) as completed
marked the checklist item Install reaper (in charge of triggering repairs regularly) as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@3f627084
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@3f627084
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@510b86a9
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@510b86a9
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Author Owner
Reset (well delete here) on storage1.staging:
root@storage1:~# /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server $SERVER --list --all-topics | grep replayer | xargs -t -n1 /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server $SERVER --delete --all-topics --execute --group /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-content Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-content') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-metadata Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-metadata') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin-visit Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin-visit') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-release Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-release') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-extid Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-extid') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin-visit-status Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-origin-visit-status') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-directory Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-directory') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-revision Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-revision') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-skipped-content Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-skipped-content') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-snapshot Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-snapshot') was successful. /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server storage1:9092 --delete --all-topics --execute --group swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-raw-extrinsic-metadata Deletion of requested consumer groups ('swh-cassandra-stg-cassandra-replayer-raw-extrinsic-metadata') was successful.
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@4ba124fa
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/swh-charts@4ba124fa
- Antoine R. Dumont marked the checklist item Reset topics consumption so they replay from scratch as completed
marked the checklist item Reset topics consumption so they replay from scratch as completed
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@6304eb64
mentioned in commit swh/infra/ci-cd/k8s-clusters-conf@6304eb64
- Antoine R. Dumont mentioned in merge request swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site!615 (merged)
mentioned in merge request swh/infra/puppet/puppet-swh-site!615 (merged)