Sadly we have plenty of corrupt objects without their raw_manifest (especially releases with missing signatures, and on staging where we didn't reinject bruteforced raw_manifests for past directories and revisions); so you should disable validation of replayers (validate: false in the config) because they don't match their checksum.
The errors reported by the replayers are dispatched in several redis databases according to the effective error:
db2: The content is found in kafka and postgresql and no hash validation is found, it's a real replaying problem, we can try to add the object in cassandra
db3: The content is found in kafka but not in postgresql, the object can be ignored
db4: The content is found in kafka, in postgresql but the hash validation failed, we'll add it to cassandra to avoid creating holes in the archive
To clearly identify the retry results, the impacted keys will be moved to distinct dbs when reinserted correctly or not: