Upgrade rancher's kubernetes clusters to a supported version
1.22 is not supported since the 2022-10-28.
We should upgrade the clusters to 1.24 supported until 2023-11-09.
1.25 is not yet available in rancher.
Clusters to upgrade:
- archive-staging
- archive-production
- cluster-admin
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- Vincent Sellier added rancher state:wip labels
- Vincent Sellier assigned to @vsellier
assigned to @vsellier
- Vincent Sellier changed the description
changed the description
- Author Owner
List deployed applications to check if they are still compatible:
- metallb
- keda
- local-path-provisioner
- nginx-ingress (https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/#supported-versions-table and https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx/4.2.5)
- swh
- reaper
- nfs-provisioner
- minio (?)
- cert-manager
- cert-manager-webhook-gandi
- argocd
Edited by Vincent Sellier Collapse replies - Author Owner
keda looks ok until 1.25: https://github.com/kedacore/keda/issues/2462#issuecomment-1102046239
- Author Owner
metallb 0.13.7 seems to be compatible with the 1.25. A upgrade of our version must be done as we are currently using the 0.13.5
- Author Owner
nginx we are using the helm chart version 4.2.5 which deployed nginx v1.3.1 which is compatible until version 1.24. We will have to schedule an nginx upgrade before being able to upgrade to 1.25 but for 1.24 it's ok.
- Author Owner
reaper simple application deployment should be ok for 1.24
- Author Owner
minio found nothing
- Author Owner
cert-manager https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/cert-manager/cert-manager/1.10.0 (> 1.20+)
- Author Owner
argocd no information provided
- Vincent Sellier added #4689 (closed) as child task
added #4689 (closed) as child task
- Author Owner
List of deprecation messages in kibana (search for deprecated on the last 15 days in the systemlog indexes):
metallb.io v1beta1 AddressPool is deprecated, consider using IPAddressPool
argocd / rancher:
W1129 18:31:26.715352 1 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
W1129 18:31:04.816948 1 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use policy/v1 PodDisruptionBudget
warnings.go:70] autoscaling/v2beta1 HorizontalPodAutoscaler is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.25+; use autoscaling/v2beta2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- rancher:W1129 18:32:13.939725 56 warnings.go:80] batch/v1beta1 CronJob is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use batch/v1 CronJob
warnings.go:70] discovery.k8s.io/v1beta1 EndpointSlice is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use discovery.k8s.io/v1 EndpointSlice
Everything is related to 1.25, not 1.24
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@a036ef43
mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@a036ef43
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in merge request swh-sysadmin-provisioning!94 (merged)
mentioned in merge request swh-sysadmin-provisioning!94 (merged)
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@a905134d
mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@a905134d
- Vincent Sellier marked the checklist item archive-staging as completed
marked the checklist item archive-staging as completed
- Vincent Sellier marked the checklist item cluster-admin as completed
marked the checklist item cluster-admin as completed
- Author Owner
Admin cluster upgraded to 1.23:
kubectl get nodes 19:27:28 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION rancher-node-admin-mgmt1 Ready controlplane,etcd 22d v1.23.14 rancher-node-admin-node01 Ready worker 22d v1.23.14 rancher-node-admin-node02 Ready worker 22d v1.23.14 rancher-node-admin-node03 Ready worker 22d v1.23.14
- Author Owner
archive-production cluster upgraded:
kubectl get nodes 19:58:00 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION rancher-node-production-mgmt1 Ready controlplane,etcd 89d v1.23.14 rancher-node-production-worker01 Ready worker 89d v1.23.14 rancher-node-production-worker02 Ready worker 89d v1.23.14 rancher-node-production-worker03 Ready worker 89d v1.23.14 rancher-node-production-worker04 Ready worker 82d v1.23.14 rancher-node-production-worker05 Ready worker 50d v1.23.14
- Vincent Sellier marked the checklist item archive-production as completed
marked the checklist item archive-production as completed
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@b50d585f
mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@b50d585f
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@15f3ff73
mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@15f3ff73
- Vincent Sellier mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@2804a8c0
mentioned in commit swh-sysadmin-provisioning@2804a8c0
- Vincent Sellier removed state:wip label
removed state:wip label
- Vincent Sellier closed
- Vincent Sellier marked this issue as related to #4999 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #4999 (closed)