Create a template for the k8s cluster configurations
We start to have a bunch of redundant component deployed on all our k8s clusters.
All this components are currently configured per cluster with dedicated argocd applications and yaml files with few differences.
It should be possible to create a helm chart describing the different deployable applications and to just declare an argocd ApplicationSet once for all the clusters or at least only one application per cluster defining the most common configurations
Recurrent application declared on each cluster:
- metallb and its configuration [all rancher clusters]
- cert-manager [all clusters]
- cert-manager-hook-gandi [all clusters]
- nginx-ingress [depending]
- keda application [swh clusters]
- swh application [**swh clusters]
- Application to apply the cluster's secrets
- Application to apply the cluster's configuration
- Prometheus [azure clusters]
- Namespaces (should be managed per service)
Some global alertmanager configurations related to the k8s cluster will be probably also added later.