[cassandra] Test the new hardware
In order to prepare the final production deployment, we would like to test the cass operator from datastax [1]
The main features will simplify the operation of the cluster:
- Proper token ring initialization, with only one node bootstrapping at a time
- Seed node management - one per rack, or three per datacenter, whichever is more suited
- Server configuration integrated into the CassandraDatacenter CRD
- Rolling reboot nodes by changing the CRD
- Store data in a rack-safe way - one replica per cloud AZ
- Scale up racks evenly with new nodes
- Scale down racks evenly by decommissioning existing nodes
- Replace dead/unrecoverable nodes
- Multi DC clusters (limited to one Kubernetes namespace)
We also want to test different cluster topologies. A subtask per topology will be created.
Per topology, the following scenarios will be tested:
Configure and bootstrap the cluster, for some topologies, rack configuration can be needed
Import data / measure performance
Check recurring jobs (NodeSync / ...)
Add a new node / check data rebalancing
Remove a node / check data rebalancing
Kill a cassandra instance check recovery / rebalancing 2 steps:
Recover the killed instance
Replace the killed instance
Migrated from T4373 (view on Phabricator)
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont