Package the graphql service
- Configure the swh-graphql repository to build a debian package on tag
- Configure the repository with the debian builds stanzas
Migrated from T4134 (view on Phabricator)
Migrated from T4134 (view on Phabricator)
marked this issue as related to #4131 (closed)
added GraphQL API System administration labels
marked this issue as related to #4135 (closed)
added priority:Low label
added state:wip label
mentioned in commit swh-apps@21bc668b
mentioned in commit swh-apps@0f0cf6c8
mentioned in commit swh-apps@c3130853
This will be deployed with swh-charts (so without debian package). See #4135 (closed).
added state:wontfix label and removed state:wip label