New staging worker got created from scratch to try and run the same indexers as the production does.
It's failing to install for the fossology indexer since that dependency is only available for jessie/stretch.
This needs to be rebuilt for buster (and uploaded in our debian repository).
root@pergamon:/srv/softwareheritage/repository# reprepro ls fossology-nomossafossology-nomossa | 3.1-1~bpo8~swh+1 | jessie | amd64fossology-nomossa | 3.1-1~bpo9~swh+1 | stretch-swh | amd64root@pergamon:/srv/softwareheritage/repository# debdiff pool/main/f/fossology/fossology-nomossa_3.1-1~bpo*[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they havedifferent names, permissions or owners.]Files in second .deb but not in first--------------------------------------rw-r--r-- root/root /usr/share/doc/fossology-nomossa/changelog.gzControl files: lines which differ (wdiff format)------------------------------------------------Installed-Size: [-548-] {+644+}Version: [-3.1-1~bpo8~swh+1-] {+3.1-1~bpo9~swh+1+}
10:40 <+olasd> ardumont: btw, I've been looking for the fossology-nomossa package for stretch, and I don't have it on this laptop; I suspect I just pulled the previous source and just bumped the version and rebuilt the package with no changes10:40 <+olasd> ardumont: you could debdiff the jessie and stretch versions to see what happened...10:42 <+ardumont> i'm fuzzy on the command to actually rebuild it (i guess our gbp/sbuild stanza will work)10:43 <+ardumont> til on debdiff, thx for the hints
Found back the repository, pushed in our forge [1].
Created the debian/buster-swh branch and adapted accordingly so the build can happen
Added the pristine-tar branch holds the origin tarball required for build (retrieved
from our debian repository). Otherwise, building the tarball from source triggers a
mistmatch checksums down the line (during upload).
Finally, trigger the build and upload to our repository:
And now, we start having licenses computed on staging as well:
swh-indexer=> \conninfoYou are connected to database "swh-indexer" as user "guest" on host "" (address "") at port "5432".SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)swh-indexer=> select now(), count(*) from fossology_license; select now(), count(*) from content_fossology_license; now | count-------------------------------+------- 2021-02-22 13:24:52.615727+00 | 75(1 row) now | count------------------------------+------- 2021-02-22 13:24:52.62186+00 | 1163(1 row)