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app_manager: Adapt `update-values` subcommand to edit the appVersion

The appVersion will be a main and unique swh application set version referencing all application deployment changes happening at one point in time (one commit too).

$ cd swh-apps && docker build -t build-deps scripts/
$ docker run -v $PWD:/src -v $PWD/../swh-charts:/opt/swh-charts --user 1000 -it build-deps update-values --swh-charts-repository /opt/swh-charts
Missing or inconsistent information for <swh_vault_cookers>
Missing or inconsistent information for <swh_provenance_client>
Missing or inconsistent information for <swh_lister>
Missing or inconsistent information for <swh_deposit_checkers>
$ cd ../swh-charts && git diff
diff --git a/swh/Chart.yaml b/swh/Chart.yaml
index 7c45a59..1b922b7 100644
--- a/swh/Chart.yaml
+++ b/swh/Chart.yaml
@@ -1,25 +1,6 @@
apiVersion: v2
[-name: swh-]{+appVersion: 2+}
description: A Helm chart to deploy the softwareheritage stack
[-# A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart.-]
[-# Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives-]
[-# to be deployed.-]
[-# Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as-]
[-# a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering-]
[-# pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed.-]{+name: swh+}
type: application

[-# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each-]
[-# time you make development changes to the chart and its templates, including-]
[-# the app version.  Versions are expected to follow Semantic Versioning-]
[-# (]
[-# swh: It's not used so far.-]
version: 0.1.0

[-# This is the version number of the swh application being deployed. This-]
[-# version is a simple number to increment each time a new set of images are-]
[-# built and updated in /values-swh-application-version.yaml.-]
[-appVersion: 1-]
diff --git a/values-swh-application-versions.yaml b/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
index cf9adba..f1d5a93 100644
--- a/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
+++ b/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
[-# This file references the last version of all the softwareheritage images-]
[-# It's used to manage the automatic update of the environments-]

swh_checker_deposit_image: softwareheritage/deposit_checkers
swh_checker_deposit_image_version: [-"20220927.2"-]{+'20220927.2'+}
swh_cookers_image_version: [-"20221107.1"-]{+'20221107.1'+}
swh_graphql_image: softwareheritage/graphql
swh_graphql_image_version: [-"20221006.2"-]{+'20221006.2'+}
swh_indexer_image_version: [-"20221130.1"-]{+'20221130.1'+}
swh_listers_image_version: [-"20221214.1"-]
[-swh_loaders_image: softwareheritage/loaders-]
[-swh_loaders_image_version: "20220826.1"-]{+'20221214.1'+}
swh_loader_bzr_image: softwareheritage/loader_bzr
swh_loader_bzr_image_version: [-"20220926.1"-]{+'20220926.1'+}
swh_loader_cvs_image: softwareheritage/loader_cvs
swh_loader_cvs_image_version: [-"20220926.1"-]{+'20221019.1'+}
swh_loader_git_image_version: [-"20221104.2"-]{+'20221104.2'+}
swh_loader_highpriority_image_version: [-"20221214.1"-]{+'20221214.1'+}
swh_loader_mercurial_image: softwareheritage/loader_mercurial
swh_loader_mercurial_image_version: [-"20220926.1"-]{+'20220926.1'+}
swh_loader_package_image: softwareheritage/loader_package
swh_loader_package_image_version: [-"20221026.1"-]{+'20221026.1'+}
swh_loader_svn_image_version: [-"20221214.1"-]{+'20221214.1'+}
{+swh_loaders_image: softwareheritage/loaders+}
{+swh_loaders_image_version: '20220826.1'+}
swh_storage_replayer_image_version: [-"20221227.1"-]{+'20221227.1'+}

Refs. sysadm-environment#4724 (closed)

Edited by Antoine R. Dumont

Merge request reports
