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staging/static-checks: Add webhooks journal client lag check

Guillaume Samson requested to merge staging_webhooks_check into production
Octocatalog diff
Found host
Cloning into '/tmp/swh-ocd.r9Bh7rsV/swh-site'...
branch 'staging_webhooks_check' set up to track 'origin/staging_webhooks_check'.
Switched to a new branch 'staging_webhooks_check'
branch 'mr/puppet-7-compat' set up to track 'origin/mr/puppet-7-compat'.
Switched to a new branch 'mr/puppet-7-compat'
Switched to branch 'production'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/production'.
Auto-merging Puppetfile
[production 5e78e670] WIP: Update Puppetfile for compatibility with Puppet 7
 Author: Nicolas Dandrimont <>
 Date: Mon Nov 28 14:17:01 2022 +0100
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Switched to branch 'staging_webhooks_check'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/staging_webhooks_check'.
Auto-merging Puppetfile
[staging_webhooks_check 5065a961] WIP: Update Puppetfile for compatibility with Puppet 7
 Author: Nicolas Dandrimont <>
 Date: Mon Nov 28 14:17:01 2022 +0100
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
WARN	 -> Branch mr/puppet-7-compat filtered out by ignore_branch_prefixes ["mr/puppet-7-compat"]
WARN	 -> Branch mr/puppet-7-compat filtered out by ignore_branch_prefixes ["mr/puppet-7-compat"]
Cloning into '/tmp/swh-ocd.r9Bh7rsV/environments/production/data/private'...
Cloning into '/tmp/swh-ocd.r9Bh7rsV/environments/staging_webhooks_check/data/private'...
*** Running octocatalog-diff on host
I, [2023-12-07T09:43:34.723819 #97449]  INFO -- : Catalogs compiled for
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630473 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20231207-97449-eanuef/ocd-builddir-20231207-97464-t851o2/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630594 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20231207-97449-eanuef/ocd-builddir-20231207-97463-t851o2/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630694 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630706 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630736 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630749 #97449]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
I, [2023-12-07T09:43:35.630857 #97449]  INFO -- : Diffs computed for
diff origin/production/ current/
+ Concat::Fragment[icinga2::object::Service::Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "\nobject Service \"Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging...
     "order": 60,
     "target": "/etc/icinga2/conf.d/static-checks.conf"
+ Concat_fragment[icinga2::object::Service::Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "\nobject Service \"Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging...
     "order": 60,
     "tag": "_etc_icinga2_conf.d_static-checks.conf",
     "target": "/etc/icinga2/conf.d/static-checks.conf"
  File[/etc/bind/keys/local-update] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key local-update {
       	algorithm hmac-sha256;
      -	secret "URoNGGP3qGhFCWSCzQ7gqB1VysUPtwuduHim7QUaaBgO2QO2kv1WCeaaNHc7W1alUpiWUciXl/UOcOpHpf+7ww==";
      +	secret "8wNwslOqHp5dvSz9+JImEuBEE2hLyL87QG94X7veYsWdQOHJpx7kmmCisj+vDEslAptLOPBs777epN2zM2HJiQ==";
  File[/etc/bind/rndc.key] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key rndc-key {
       	algorithm hmac-md5;
      -	secret "Pd+bhNZRogfu7Ghq7tJkLWuRTKi4C0Dj1L4bdVIdQ5P+pqdvjiBVaKIx2aDSmbwVuJXZnbYwFcPblCka7lv+UQ==";
      +	secret "LddpqfM6aUO1IbcEHDT4lIB5HY7pwDl1dUa+ryKPh5IzgBJDnATUngeSkWFzUCmmfHVaPZkbASux9q57xGDzoA==";
+ Icinga2::Object::Service[Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging] =>
   parameters =>
     "apply": false,
     "assign": [
     "check_command": "check_prometheus_metric",
     "ensure": "present",
     "export_to": [
     "host_name": "archive-staging-rke2",
     "ignore": [
     "import": [
     "order": 60,
     "prefix": false,
     "service_name": "Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging",
     "target": "/etc/icinga2/conf.d/static-checks.conf",
     "template": false,
     "vars": {
       "prometheus_metric_name": "kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag",
       "prometheus_query": "-:\"sum(kafka_consumer_group_lag{group=~\\\"swh-archi...
       "prometheus_query_type": "vector",
       "prometheus_metric_warning": "10000",
       "prometheus_metric_critical": "20000"
+ Icinga2::Object[icinga2::object::Service::Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging] =>
   parameters =>
     "apply": false,
     "assign": [
     "attrs": {
       "host_name": "archive-staging-rke2",
       "check_command": "check_prometheus_metric",
       "vars": {
         "prometheus_metric_name": "kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag",
         "prometheus_query": "-:\"sum(kafka_consumer_group_lag{group=~\\\"swh-arc...
         "prometheus_query_type": "vector",
         "prometheus_metric_warning": "10000",
         "prometheus_metric_critical": "20000"
     "attrs_list": [
     "ensure": "present",
     "ignore": [
     "import": [
     "object_name": "Kafka swh-archive-stg-webhooks lag in staging",
     "object_type": "Service",
     "order": 60,
     "prefix": false,
     "target": "/etc/icinga2/conf.d/static-checks.conf",
     "template": false
*** End octocatalog-diff on

Merge request reports
