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staging/{web,graphql}: Migrate rp0 to target from the static backend to their elastic backend counterparts

Antoine R. Dumont requested to merge staging-migrate-staging-webapp into production

That moves the http backends to target the one in the staging cluster:

  • webapp: backend (that's an ingress plugged to the web service in the elastic cluster)
  • graphql: backend (that's another ingress plugged to the graphql service in the elastic cluster)

Manually adapted 'til it worked.



octo-diff rp0 (adapts the http backend for webapp and graphql)
  File[/etc/varnish/includes/01_graphql.vcl] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend graphql
      -    .host = "";
      +    .host = "";
           .port = "80";
  File[/etc/varnish/includes/01_webapp.vcl] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend webapp
      -    .host = "";
      -    .port = "9080";
      +    .host = "";
      +    .port = "80";
  Profile::Varnish::Vcl_include[graphql] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend graphql
      -    .host = "";
      +    .host = "";
           .port = "80";
  Profile::Varnish::Vcl_include[webapp] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend webapp
      -    .host = "";
      -    .port = "9080";
      +    .host = "";
      +    .port = "80";
  Profile::Varnish::Vhost[] =>
   parameters =>
     backend_http_host =>
  Profile::Varnish::Vhost[] =>
   parameters =>
     backend_http_host =>
     backend_http_port =>
      - 9080
      + 80
  Varnish::Vcl[/etc/varnish/includes/01_graphql.vcl] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend graphql
      -    .host = "";
      +    .host = "";
           .port = "80";
  Varnish::Vcl[/etc/varnish/includes/01_webapp.vcl] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
       backend webapp
      -    .host = "";
      -    .port = "9080";
      +    .host = "";
      +    .port = "80";
*** End octocatalog-diff on
octo-diff pergamon (drop old dns record)
*** Running octocatalog-diff on host
I, [2023-10-20T12:07:06.462061 #3880044]  INFO -- : Catalogs compiled for
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349685 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20231020-3880044-fnph3l/ocd-builddir-20231020-3880046-mikiq2/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349746 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20231020-3880044-fnph3l/ocd-builddir-20231020-3880045-mikiq2/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349877 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349893 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349939 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.349961 #3880044]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
I, [2023-10-20T12:07:08.350123 #3880044]  INFO -- : Diffs computed for
diff origin/production/ current/
  File[/etc/bind/keys/local-update] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key local-update {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
      - secret "YcTJluRZjNmQKAFh3fvcHNS1N3TXzn9BNe3/L7gHzTXDetSOT4luh/v23sVFsyWn9K7VfhQGIcbAlIREAV6V+g==";
      + secret "IUNrs9pxRw2Phy9+4M6W8IVDgxp5cw88Y8m9eobKlJ3v2oO5Bcdd3k1iklmDDZFLMEZXBZnllxtL7K/HYl8tVg==";
  File[/etc/bind/rndc.key] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key rndc-key {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
      - secret "6ZE8s0eBhIy46+EflHFKMD/RCZqwAANs62ddUpAjeC396wBvqE0kOciQmUYgSOSGyVdmx7VguyTPnpoQjlSAig==";
      + secret "hMG9ONH7cG28aOmQp77zUAv7HOf9sGk4cLMnJSMrJ7o7uSix7qFukaSRB670BCyMrSx3ExpdddgMcxJf57UXow==";
- Resource_record[staging-webapp/A+PTR]
- Resource_record[staging-webapp/A]
*** End octocatalog-diff on
Refs. swh/infra/sysadm-environment#5095 (closed)
Edited by Antoine R. Dumont

Merge request reports