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Reference provenance page in annex behind basic auth

Wants to do the opposite of migrated/migration$478 (add the new annex folder) migrated/migration$478 is a diff of what's in production against what's in swh-site (so wants to remove the manual installation of that new folder). We want to keep that new folder so i puppetized it.

As in commits:

  • annex_web: Explicit possible issue in current annex setup
  • annex: Add missing instructions

As far as the documentation or the execution goes, there is no pre-defined dsl to set those so fallback to use the custom_fragment instead.

Related migrated/migration$478

Test Plan

bin/octocatalog pergamon Wants to add the new provenance folder as expected:

$ bin/octocatalog-diff --octocatalog-diff-args --no-truncate-details --to update_configuration pergamon
Found host
Cloning into '/tmp/swh-ocd.FN56kEgZ/environments/production/data/private'...
Cloning into '/tmp/swh-ocd.FN56kEgZ/environments/update_configuration/data/private'...
*** Running octocatalog-diff on host
I, [2019-07-24T17:31:43.396106 #8801]  INFO -- : Catalogs compiled for
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510299 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20190724-8801-1dxcncu/ocd-builddir-20190724-8826-1u4x99f/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510373 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource File[/tmp/ocd-ipc-20190724-8801-1dxcncu/ocd-builddir-20190724-8823-nzbbb8/routes.yaml] appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510533 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510548 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510577 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path may depend on catalog compilation directory, but there may be differences. This is included in results for now, but please verify.
W, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510588 #8801]  WARN -- : Resource key Ini_setting[soft_write_failure] parameters => path appears to depend on catalog compilation directory. Suppressed from results.
I, [2019-07-24T17:31:47.510751 #8801]  INFO -- : Diffs computed for
diff origin/production/ current/
  Apache::Vhost[annex.softwareheritage.org_ssl] =>
   parameters =>
     directories =>
      - [{"path"=>"/srv/softwareheritage/annex/webroot", "require"=>"all granted", "options"=>["Indexes", "FollowSymLinks", "MultiViews"]}, {"path"=>".*/\\.git/?$", "provider"=>"directorymatch", "require"=>"all denied"}]
      + [{"path"=>"/srv/softwareheritage/annex/webroot", "require"=>"all granted", "options"=>["Indexes", "FollowSymLinks", "MultiViews"], "custom_fragment"=>"IndexIgnore private provenance-index"}, {"path"=>".*/\\.git/?$", "provider"=>"directorymatch", "require"=>"all denied"}, {"path"=>"/srv/softwareheritage/annex/webroot/provenance-index", "auth_type"=>"basic", "auth_name"=>"SWH - Password Required", "auth_user_file"=>"/srv/softwareheritage/annex/http_auth_provenance", "auth_require"=>"valid-user", "index_options"=>"FancyIndexing", "custom_fragment"=>"ReadmeName readme.txt"}]
  Concat::Fragment[annex.softwareheritage.org_ssl-directories] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
           AllowOverride None
           Require all granted
      +    IndexIgnore private provenance-index
      @@ -11,2 +12,12 @@
           Require all denied
      +  <Directory "/srv/softwareheritage/annex/webroot/provenance-index">
      +    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
      +    AllowOverride None
      +    Require valid-user
      +    AuthType basic
      +    AuthName "SWH - Password Required"
      +    AuthUserFile /srv/softwareheritage/annex/http_auth_provenance
      +    ReadmeName readme.txt
      +  </Directory>
  Concat_fragment[annex.softwareheritage.org_ssl-directories] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
           AllowOverride None
           Require all granted
      +    IndexIgnore private provenance-index
      @@ -11,2 +12,12 @@
           Require all denied
      +  <Directory "/srv/softwareheritage/annex/webroot/provenance-index">
      +    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
      +    AllowOverride None
      +    Require valid-user
      +    AuthType basic
      +    AuthName "SWH - Password Required"
      +    AuthUserFile /srv/softwareheritage/annex/http_auth_provenance
      +    ReadmeName readme.txt
      +  </Directory>
  File[/etc/bind/keys/local-update] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key local-update {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
      - secret "+y13WheleD9OEUGBk9nfXgENgF8pu9peOoGv4PWUwu5N5DUH2+QH3GNtitsgjuXubX+6LLPykln6bmF84zV8aQ==";
      + secret "+sjHABMHP/oYaXYlE+66XomK8omrMGp+lqaJPuaFU9IyDL2d/H01tXzj4TmGXmLZw+n8qdgGpU3jhI2vECq1aQ==";
  File[/etc/bind/rndc.key] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
       key rndc-key {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
      - secret "5oiqmEsGz+WH99azzGwF8O1nRXRPgxdR6oXtk5s5E3WTwSzFUL/JIdSmITx3y9vFeBUmmdt+fPAZphexj+J3Sw==";
      + secret "KYTFjtlZFVptctrrUNbaUidKvxlQltBhXQ8g44CXgpzG/CzqSKMhE6aIT/NWnSJ1zLe/ZJZP1tuXCBLFZmAYDA==";
+ File[/srv/softwareheritage/annex/http_auth_provenance] =>
   parameters =>
      "content": ""
      "ensure": "present"
      "group": "www-data"
      "mode": "0640"
      "owner": "root"
*** End octocatalog-diff on

Migrated from D1767 (view on Phabricator)

Merge request reports
