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staging: configure counters history pipeline

  • Add the history section on the backend configurartion
  • add a cron to regularly refresh the history cache

Related to T3215

Test Plan

  • Moma: declare the default value for the history File
diff origin/production/ current/
  File[/etc/softwareheritage/web/web.yml] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -81,4 +81,5 @@
         realm_name: SoftwareHeritage
  • Staging: Declare the history section in the configuration and add the crontab crontab
diff origin/production/ current/
+ Concat_file[profile::cron::default] =>
   parameters =>
     "group": "root",
     "mode": "0644",
     "owner": "root",
     "path": "/etc/puppet-cron.d/default",
     "tag": "profile::cron::default"
+ Concat_fragment[profile::cron::default::_header] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "# Managed by puppet (module profile::cron), manual changes will ...
     "order": "00",
     "tag": "profile::cron::default",
     "target": "profile::cron::default"
+ Concat_fragment[profile::cron::refresh_counters_cache] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "# Cron snippet refresh_counters_cache\n0 */4 * * * swhstorage ch...
     "order": "10",
     "tag": "profile::cron::default",
     "target": "profile::cron::default"
+ File[/etc/cron.d/puppet-default] =>
   parameters =>
     "ensure": "link",
     "target": "/etc/puppet-cron.d/default"
  File[/etc/softwareheritage/counters/server.yml] =>
   parameters =>
     content =>
      @@ -3,3 +3,10 @@
         cls: redis
         host: localhost:6379
      +  cls: prometheus
      +  prometheus_host:
      +  prometheus_port: 9090
      +  live_data_start: 1609462861
      +  cache_base_directory: "/srv/softwareheritage/counters"
      +  interval: 24h
+ File[/srv/softwareheritage/counters] =>
   parameters =>
     "ensure": "directory",
     "group": "swhstorage",
     "mode": "0775",
     "owner": "swhstorage"
+ File[/usr/local/bin/] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "#!/bin/bash\n\n##\n# File managed by puppet (class profile::swh:...
     "ensure": "present",
     "group": "swhstorage",
     "mode": "0755",
     "owner": "swhstorage"
+ Profile::Cron::D[refresh_counters_cache] =>
   parameters =>
     "command": "chronic /usr/local/bin/ history.json ",...
     "hour": "*/4",
     "minute": 0,
     "target": "default",
     "unique_tag": "refresh_counters_cache",
     "user": "swhstorage"
+ Profile::Cron::File[default] =>
   parameters =>
     "target": "default"
*** End octocatalog-diff on
  • Production: Just install the script used by the crontab but don't schedule it
diff origin/production/ current/
+ File[/srv/softwareheritage/counters] =>
   parameters =>
     "ensure": "directory",
     "group": "swhstorage",
     "mode": "0775",
     "owner": "swhstorage"
+ File[/usr/local/bin/] =>
   parameters =>
     "content": "#!/bin/bash\n\n##\n# File managed by puppet (class profile::swh:...
     "ensure": "present",
     "group": "swhstorage",
     "mode": "0755",
     "owner": "swhstorage"
*** End octocatalog-diff on

Migrated from D5470 (view on Phabricator)

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