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webapp: use swh-search as main search engine in production

  • Deploy and configure a swh-search environment on moma
  • Explicit the elasticsearch configurations for the scheduler/storage and the webapps searches as they are not stored on the same clusters
  • Simplify the overrides between staging/moma/webapp1

Related to T2182

Test Plan

octocatalog-diff moma (too long to be pasted here) octocatalog-diff webapp1

File[/etc/softwareheritage/search/server.yml] => parameters => content => @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ --- search: - cls: remote - url: + cls: elasticsearch + args: + hosts: + - host: + port: 9200 + - host: + port: 9200 + - host: + port: 9200 _

No changes on search1 or staging nodes

Migrated from D5063 (view on Phabricator)

Merge request reports