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indexers: Fix autoscaling with authentication

It was missing the yaml relative to secret to to use with the proper authentication user. It was not an issue since it's currently deployed in staging without any authentication (and it's not deployed through the chart yet in production).

This also adds tests on the impacted part of the chart [1]


make test
docker run -ti --user 1000 --rm -v /home/tony/work/swh/sysadm-environment/swh-charts:/apps \
  "helmunittest/helm-unittest:3.11.1-0.3.0" swh

Chart [ swh ] swh

PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_configmap_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_deployment_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_global_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_service_test.yaml PASS test indexers keda-secrets swh/tests/indexers_keda_secrets_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata configmap deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_configmap_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata configmap utils deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_configmap_utils_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_deployment_test.yaml PASS test global loader metadata deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_global_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata keda-scaling swh/tests/loader_metadata_keda_autoscaling_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata keda-secrets swh/tests/loader_metadata_keda_secrets_test.yaml PASS test memcached deployment swh/tests/memcached_deployment_test.yaml PASS test memcached deployment swh/tests/memcached_global_test.yaml PASS test memcached service swh/tests/memcached_service_test.yaml PASS test memcached ServiceMonitor swh/tests/memcached_servicemonitor_test.yaml

Charts: 1 passed, 1 total Test Suites: 15 passed, 15 total Tests: 28 passed, 28 total Snapshot: 0 passed, 0 total Time: 110.160513ms

Refs. swh/infra/sysadm-environment#4794 (closed)

cc @teams/sysadmin

Edited by Vincent Sellier

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