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production: Activate refresh counters cache cronjob

Antoine R. Dumont requested to merge migrate-counters into production
helm diff
[swh] Comparing changes between branches production and migrate-counters (per environment)...
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/production'.
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment staging, namespace swh...
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment staging, namespace swh-cassandra...
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment staging, namespace swh-cassandra-next-version...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment staging...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment staging...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment staging...
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/production'.
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment production, namespace swh...
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment production, namespace swh-cassandra...
[swh] Generate config in production branch for environment production, namespace swh-cassandra-next-version...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment production...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment production...
[swh] Generate config in migrate-counters branch for environment production...

------------- diff for environment staging namespace swh -------------

No differences

------------- diff for environment staging namespace swh-cassandra -------------

No differences

------------- diff for environment staging namespace swh-cassandra-next-version -------------

No differences

------------- diff for environment production namespace swh -------------

--- /tmp/swh-chart.swh.ymvSYTqE/production-swh.before   2024-02-07 14:52:46.224539898 +0100
+++ /tmp/swh-chart.swh.ymvSYTqE/production-swh.after    2024-02-07 14:52:46.712539007 +0100
@@ -646,20 +646,73 @@
       - directory
       - origin
       - origin_visit
       - origin_visit_status
       - release
       - revision
       - skipped_content
       - snapshot
       prefix: swh.journal.objects
+# Source: swh/templates/counters/script-utils.yaml
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: script-utils
+  namespace: swh
+ |
+    #!/bin/bash
+    set -ex
+    cache_file=$1
+    static_file=$2
+    host=${3:-""}
+    static_file_stanza=""
+    if [ -n "${static_file}" ]; then
+        static_file_stanza=", \"static_file\": \"${static_file}\""
+    fi
+    tmp_file=$(mktemp)
+    trap "rm -f ${tmp_file}" EXIT
+    cat >"${tmp_file}" <<EOF
+    {
+        "cache_file": "${cache_file}",
+        "objects": ["content", "origin", "revision"]
+        ${static_file_stanza}
+    }
+    EOF
+    # This waits for the rpc to be up
+    while true; do
+        sleep 1
+        set +e
+        curl -f -v -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' $host/refresh_history -d @"${tmp_file}"
+        [[ $? -ne 0 ]] || break
+        set -e
+    done
+ |
+    #!/bin/bash
+    set -ex
+    static_history_path=$1
+    url=""
+    curl -s $url > $static_history_path
 # Source: swh/templates/deposit/configmap.yaml
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: ConfigMap
   namespace: swh
   name: deposit-configuration-template
   config.yml.template: |
     instance_name: deposit-rpc-ingress
@@ -33809,20 +33862,87 @@
   minReplicas: 4
   maxReplicas: 10
   - type: Resource
       name: cpu
         type: Utilization
         averageUtilization: 50
+# Source: swh/templates/counters/refresh-counters-cache-cronjob.yaml
+apiVersion: batch/v1
+kind: CronJob
+  name: counters-refresh-counters-cache-cronjob
+  # By default, every 4h
+  schedule: "0 */1 * * *"
+  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
+  jobTemplate:
+    spec:
+      template:
+        spec:
+          affinity:
+            nodeAffinity:
+              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                nodeSelectorTerms:
+                - matchExpressions:
+                  - key: swh/counters
+                    operator: In
+                    values:
+                    - "true"
+          containers:
+            - name: counters-refresh-counters-cache
+              resources:
+                requests:
+                  memory: 512Mi
+                  cpu: 500m
+              image:
+              command:
+              - /cron/bin/
+              args:
+              - history.json
+              - static_history.json
+              env:
+                - name: STATSD_HOST
+                  value: prometheus-statsd-exporter
+                - name: STATSD_PORT
+                  value: "9125"
+                - name: SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME
+                  value: /etc/swh/config.yml
+                - name: LOG_LEVEL
+                  value: INFO
+              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+              volumeMounts:
+              - name: configuration
+                mountPath: /etc/swh
+              - name: script-utils
+                mountPath: /cron/bin/
+          volumes:
+          - name: configuration
+            emptyDir: {}
+          - name: configuration-template
+            configMap:
+              name: counters-refresh-counters-cache-configuration-template
+              items:
+              - key: "config.yml.template"
+                path: "config.yml.template"
+          - name: script-utils
+            configMap:
+              name: script-utils
+              defaultMode: 0555
+              items:
+              - key: ""
+                path: ""
+          restartPolicy: OnFailure
 # Source: swh/templates/scheduler/update-metrics-cronjob.yaml
 apiVersion: batch/v1
 kind: CronJob
   name: scheduler-update-metrics-cronjob
   # By default, every 4h at midnight
   schedule: "27 3-23/4 * * *"
   concurrencyPolicy: Forbid

------------- diff for environment production namespace swh-cassandra -------------

No differences

Refs. swh/infra/sysadm-environment#5237 (closed)

Edited by Antoine R. Dumont

Merge request reports
