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Add new chart for swh-loader-metadata

This adds loader-metadata charts.

(This is to be reviewed commit per commit.) The main functionality is in the commit 2 (chart) and 3 (test).

This also adds a Makefile (commit 1) to explicit how to run tests (as already explained in the readme but now it's executable).

Tests are happy [1] and helm install as well [2] (no output as it's real long).


make test
$ make test
docker run -ti --user 1000 --rm -v /home/tony/work/swh/sysadm-environment/swh-charts:/apps \
  "helmunittest/helm-unittest:3.11.1-0.3.0" swh

Chart [ swh ] swh

PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_configmap_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_deployment_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_global_test.yaml PASS test graphql deployment swh/tests/graphql_service_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata configmap deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_configmap_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata configmap utils deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_configmap_utils_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_deployment_test.yaml PASS test global loader metadata deployment swh/tests/loader_metadata_global_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata keda-scaling swh/tests/loader_metadata_keda_autoscaling_test.yaml PASS test loader_metadata keda-secrets swh/tests/loader_metadata_keda_secrets_test.yaml PASS test memcached deployment swh/tests/memcached_deployment_test.yaml PASS test memcached deployment swh/tests/memcached_global_test.yaml PASS test memcached service swh/tests/memcached_service_test.yaml PASS test memcached ServiceMonitor swh/tests/memcached_servicemonitor_test.yaml

Charts: 1 passed, 1 total Test Suites: 14 passed, 14 total Tests: 27 passed, 27 total Snapshot: 0 passed, 0 total Time: 102.975784ms

[2] if we agree no the makefile idea, we could add a target 'install-dry-run' (or something) with the following

helm install --values values-swh-application-versions.yaml  --values swh/values/default.yaml --values swh/values/staging.yaml swh-test swh --dry-run --debug --set namespace=test 2>&1 | less

Refs. swh/infra/sysadm-environment#4794 (closed)

/cc @teams/sysadmin

Edited by Antoine R. Dumont

Merge request reports
