It's the recommended configuration to avoid the spam on the receivers
Related to swh/infra/sysadm-environment#5020 (closed)
After having hard times to find something correct with the way the configuration is merged by the prometheus operator, the solution is quite simple
There is a warning raised by the operator but I've not found a way to fix it:
cattle-monitoring-system/rancher-monitoring-operator-759bd55c75-6k4wj[rancher-monitoring]: level=warn ts=2023-09-05T16:13:04.1596824Z caller=amcfg.go:1656 component=alertmanageroperator alertmanager=rancher-monitoring-alertmanager namespace=cattle-monitoring-system receiver= msg="'matchers' field is using a deprecated syntax which will be removed in future versions" match="unsupported value type" match_re="unsupported value type"
It seems there is no other way to configure the matcher available yet in the AlertmanagerConfig crd