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add-forge-now: Trigger gitlab pipeline when a request is accepted

Guillaume Samson requested to merge trigger_afnr_pipeline into master

Related to #4760 (closed)

The purpose of this modification is to trigger a Gitlab pipeline to process add-forge-now request when a request status is changed to accepted.
There are several points I have trouble with:

  1. I don't know where to store the Gitlab pipeline token.
    During my tests in swh-environment I stored it in an environment variable declared in the docker-compose.override.yml.
    The Gitlab URL should probably be stored in a variable too.
  2. For now these modifications should just be available and active only in the staging environment while the whole process is tested.
  3. When I realized tests in swh-environment the webapp window often froze (I don't know if it's my POC configuration or the code modifications).

Merge request reports