Remove mock storages used in tests.
- swh-indexer
- swh-deposit
- swh-journal
- swh-loader-git
- swh-loader-mercurial
- swh-loader-core (named LoaderNoStorage)
- swh-loader-pypi
- swh-loader-svn
- swh-web
Migrated from T1307 (view on Phabricator)
- Show closed items
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- vlorentz mentioned in merge request !130 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !130 (closed)
- vlorentz mentioned in merge request swh-loader-tar!7 (closed)
mentioned in merge request swh-loader-tar!7 (closed)
- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to swh-web#1271 (closed)
marked this issue as related to swh-web#1271 (closed)
- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to #1306 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #1306 (closed)
- vlorentz added Storage manager priority:Normal labels
added Storage manager priority:Normal labels
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh-journal@468a3ef9
mentioned in commit swh-journal@468a3ef9
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine Lambert changed the description
changed the description
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh-loader-core@9a0b8eb6
mentioned in commit swh-loader-core@9a0b8eb6
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit d190fda6
mentioned in commit d190fda6
- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to swh/meta#1421 (closed)
marked this issue as related to swh/meta#1421 (closed)
- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to swh/meta#1422 (closed)
marked this issue as related to swh/meta#1422 (closed)
- Antoine Lambert changed the description
changed the description
- Antoine Lambert changed the description
changed the description
- Phabricator Migration user mentioned in commit swh-loader-git@f86bc3d1
mentioned in commit swh-loader-git@f86bc3d1
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-loader-mercurial as completed
marked the checklist item swh-loader-mercurial as completed
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-loader-core (named LoaderNoStorage) as completed
marked the checklist item swh-loader-core (named LoaderNoStorage) as completed
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-loader-pypi as completed
marked the checklist item swh-loader-pypi as completed
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-loader-git as completed
marked the checklist item swh-loader-git as completed
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-loader-svn as completed
marked the checklist item swh-loader-svn as completed
- Phabricator Migration user marked this issue as related to #1432 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #1432 (closed)
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-deposit as completed
marked the checklist item swh-deposit as completed
- vlorentz marked the checklist item swh-indexer as completed
marked the checklist item swh-indexer as completed
- vlorentz marked the checklist item swh-journal as completed
marked the checklist item swh-journal as completed
- Antoine Lambert marked the checklist item swh-web as completed
marked the checklist item swh-web as completed
- Maintainer
Closing this as swh-web#1271 (closed) is now resolved.
- Antoine Lambert assigned to @anlambert
assigned to @anlambert
- Antoine Lambert closed