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cli/origin: Improve check ingestion cli

This adapts the use of the command to unify the behavior with one-shot and periodic watch call (to summarize the success rate). Adapts the percentage to only display 2 digits after the comma. Finally, this increases the default period check of 30min (10min is too high in the current gitlab-ci output).

$ swh scheduler --config-file ~/.config/swh/scheduler.yml origin check-ingested-origins nixguix  # one shot call
Forge (nixguix) has 5801 scheduled ingests in the scheduler.
failed      : 248
None        : 2
not_found   : 462
successful  : 5089
total       : 5801
success rate: 87.73%
$ swh scheduler --config-file ~/.config/swh/scheduler.yml origin check-ingested-origins -w --watch-period '10s' nixguix  # periodic watch of 10 seconds
Forge ingestion is still in progress...
failed      : 248
None        : 2
not_found   : 462
successful  : 5089
total       : 5801
success rate: 87.73%

Forge ingestion is still in progress...
failed      : 248
None        : 2
not_found   : 462
successful  : 5089
total       : 5801
success rate: 87.73%

Refs. swh/infra/sysadm-environment#5230 (closed)

Edited by Antoine R. Dumont

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