version 1.3.1
swh-perfecthash Debian release 1.3.0-1~swh1
v1.3.0 - Update file format documentation - Prevent double-free in shard_close() - Refactor tests so Shard creation is in a dedicated fixture - Implement Shard.delete()
swh-perfecthash Debian release 1.2.0-1~swh1
v1.2.0 - Migrate to copier, PEP420 and pyproject.toml based packaging.
swh-perfecthash Debian release 1.1.0-1~swh1
swh-perfecthash Debian release 1.0.0-1~swh1
Release swh.perfecthash 1.0.0rc1 - Add cibuildwheel support
swh-perfecthash Debian release 0.1.2-1~swh1~bpo10+1
swh-perfecthash Debian release 0.1.2-1~swh1
swh-perfecthash Debian release 0.1.1-2~swh3~bpo10+1
swh-perfecthash Debian release 0.1.1-2~swh3