swh-loader-debian Debian release 0.0.13-1~swh2~bpo10+1
swh-loader-debian Debian release 0.0.13-1~swh2~bpo9+1
swh-loader-debian Debian release 0.0.13-1~swh2
v0.0.11 - Improve origin_visit initialization step - Properly sandbox the prepare statement so that if it breaks, we can update appropriately the visit with the correct status
Release swh.loader.debian v0.0.10 - Fix typo in snapshot generation
Release swh.loader.debian v0.0.9 - Generate snapshots instead of occurrences
Release swh.loader.debian v0.0.8 - Make sure dpkg-dev is installed - Don't break on already loaded revisions
Release swh.loader.debian version 0.0.7 - Update packaging runes
Release swh.loader.debian v0.0.6 - New and improved loader based on swh.model and swh.loader.core
Release swh.loader.debian 0.0.5 - update to swh.model.hashutil - update tasks to new swh.scheduler API