investigate tarball ingestion failures
Some tarballs were unsuccessfully loaded (4 if i remember correctly).
This task is about investigating why and how to overcome such limitations.
Migrated from T182 (view on Phabricator)
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- Antoine R. Dumont assigned to @ardumont
assigned to @ardumont
added Directory loader Origin-GNU Tarball loader priority:High labels
- Antoine R. Dumont added priority:Normal label and removed priority:High label
added priority:Normal label and removed priority:High label
- Antoine R. Dumont added priority:Low label and removed priority:Normal label
added priority:Low label and removed priority:Normal label
- Antoine R. Dumont unassigned @ardumont
unassigned @ardumont
- Maintainer
I've no idea what this task means. @ardumont: can you clarify or close it if not relevant anymore?
- Author Maintainer
I've no idea what this task means.
Yes, clearly unclear!
I believe it's related to 4 tarballs that we were not able to inject. For example, one was about unsupported zip format...
I'll update the description.
- Antoine R. Dumont changed title from logging replay error limitation investigation to Investigate the failure in tarball ingestion
changed title from logging replay error limitation investigation to Investigate the failure in tarball ingestion
- Antoine R. Dumont changed the description
changed the description
- Author Maintainer
Related #175 (closed)
- Stefano Zacchiroli changed title from Investigate the failure in tarball ingestion to investigate tarball ingestion failures
changed title from Investigate the failure in tarball ingestion to investigate tarball ingestion failures
- Maintainer
is this still going? can it be closed as obsolete, maybe just noting down here the 4 failed tarballs? (we're going to do a full swipe soon anyway with the new listers/loaders)
- Maintainer
oh, the info is in #192 (closed) already closing
- Stefano Zacchiroli assigned to @zack
assigned to @zack
- Stefano Zacchiroli closed