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Verified Commit 66b74ec1 authored by Antoine Lambert's avatar Antoine Lambert Committed by Antoine R. Dumont
Browse files

Refactor check utility functions

Co-Authored: Antoine Lambert <>
parent d4ea7307
No related branches found
Tags v5.7.2
1 merge request!480tasks: Ensure tasks can be scheduled
Pipeline #2952 passed
This commit is part of merge request !480. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -280,52 +280,57 @@ def fetch_nar_extids_from_checksums(
return extids
def assert_task_and_visit_type_match(module_name: str) -> None:
"""This checks the tasks declared in the ``module_name`` have their loader visit
def assert_task_and_visit_type_match(tasks_module_name: str) -> None:
"""This checks the tasks declared in the ``tasks_module_name`` have their loader visit
type and their associated task name matching. If that's not the case, that poses
issues when scheduling visits.
tasks_module_name: Fully qualified name of SWH module defining celery tasks
AssertionError: when there is a discrepancy between a visit type of a loader and
the task name
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib import import_module
mod = import_module(module_name)
mod = import_module(tasks_module_name)
task_names = [x for x in dir(mod) if x.startswith("load_")]
loaders = [x for x in dir(mod) if x.endswith("Loader")]
loaders_lower = [loader.lower() for loader in loaders]
matching_visit_types: Dict[str, bool] = defaultdict(bool)
for task_name in task_names:
taskobj = getattr(mod, task_name)
assert isinstance(taskobj,
loader_type = task_name.replace("load_", "").replace("_", "")
for loader_name_lower in loaders_lower:
if loader_type in loader_name_lower:
raise AssertionError(f"No loader matching {loader_type} in {loaders_lower}")
for loader in loaders:
if loader_type not in loader.lower():
loader_cls = getattr(mod, loader)
visit_type = loader_cls.visit_type
matching_visit_type = visit_type.replace("-", "") == loader_type
assert (
matching_visit_type is True
), f"Visit type <{visit_type}> does not match task name <{task_name}>"
matching_visit_types[task_name] = matching_visit_type
# We should have as many task names as we have matching visits
assert len(task_names) == len(matching_visit_types.values()) and all(
for loader in loaders:
loader_cls = getattr(mod, loader)
visit_type = loader_cls.visit_type
task_function_name = f"load_{visit_type.replace('-', '_')}"
assert task_function_name in task_names, (
f"task function {task_function_name} for visit type {visit_type } "
f"is missing in {tasks_module_name}"
def assert_module_tasks_are_scheduler_ready(packages: Iterable) -> None:
"""This iterates over a list of packages and check that "tasks" modules declare
tasks ready to be scheduled. If any discrepancy exist between a task and its loader
visit type, those will never get picked up by the scheduler, they are not scheduler
ready. This is an incorrect behavior that needs to be fixed immediately. This check
ensures that any improper configured task/loader will be reported so developer can
fix it.
packages: List of imported swh packages
AssertionError: when there is any discrepancy between a loader's visit type and
its associated task name in the ``packages`` list.
import pkgutil
for package in packages:
for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(
package.__path__, prefix=f"{package.__name__}."
if modname.endswith(".tasks"):
......@@ -3,39 +3,11 @@
# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
import pkgutil
from swh.loader.tests import assert_task_and_visit_type_match
from swh.loader.tests import assert_module_tasks_are_scheduler_ready
def test_tasks_loader_visit_type_match_task_name():
import swh.loader.core
import swh.loader.package
modules_ok = []
modules_ko = []
modules_seen = set()
for package in [swh.loader.core, swh.loader.package]:
package = swh.loader
prefix = f"{package.__name__}."
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(
package.__path__, prefix=prefix
if modname in modules_seen:
# Don't look into test module nor in other non-core or non-package loaders
if "tasks" in modname and ("package" in modname or "core" in modname):
except AssertionError as e:
modules_ko.append((modname, e.args[0]))
# Raise an error with all problematic modules
if len(modules_ko) > 0:
error_message = "\n" + "\n".join(
f"{module}: {error}" for module, error in modules_ko
raise AssertionError(error_message)
assert_module_tasks_are_scheduler_ready([swh.loader.core, swh.loader.package])
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