indexer.metadata: Warn and skip incomplete entries from the journal
requested to merge generated-differential-D8165-source into generated-differential-D8165-target
Detected through swh/infra/sysadm-environment#4406 (closed)
According to sentry, stuff like the 2nd item [1] can appear and it's not currently dealt with. This diff is an attempt to unstuck the extrinsic metadata journal client.
Related to #4412 (closed)
- [1]
raw_extrinsic_metadata: [
authority: [Filtered],
discovery_date: datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 18, 12, 43, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
fetcher: {"metadata":"{}","name":"'swh.loader.package.npm.loader.NpmLoader'","version":"'0.25.0'"},
format: 'replicate-npm-package-json',
id: b'\x10u\xb6\xb8\xd7\xfe\xb1\x92^\xa7\xa30\xa5^\xf4\xa6\x8dpF\r',
metadata: b'{"name": "@arkecosystem/platform-sdk-lsk", "description": "Cross-Platform Utilities for ARK Applications", "version": "0.9.362", "contributors": [], "license": "MIT", "main": "dist/index", "types": "dist/index", "scripts": {"build": "yarn clean && tsc", "build:watch": "yarn build -w", "build:docs": "typedoc --out docs src", "clean": "rimraf .coverage dist tmp", "test": "jest", "test:watch": "jest --watchAll", "coverage:report": "codecov", "publish": "yarn build && yarn npm publish --access public --tol...,
origin: '',
revision: 'swh:1:rev:77436d8960cc5c3997535a03711e34ca63cfd97b',
target: 'swh:1:dir:18fd0df245b17e8552e32cb950db1d1837063fc2'
authority: [Filtered],
discovery_date: datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 18, 12, 43, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
Migrated from D8165 (view on Phabricator)
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