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Provide stats on indexed metadata per origin.

Running the pgsql query in production right now (3M indexed origins) takes 3 seconds.

'{}'::jsonb @> (metadata - '@context') looks computationaly expensive, but it allows getting the number of non-empty metadata dicts in the same scan as for the other ones.

As far as I know, postgresql does not offer an operator to test the strict inclusion of the set of keys, so the only other way I can think of is to test for string inequality with a second query.

Removing this sum() from the query, and sending:

select count(*) from origin_intrinsic_metadata
where metadata != '{\"@context\": \"\"}';

as a second query results in two queries, which take 2 seconds and 1 second respectively.

And this is less correct (because the context value is hardcoded), hence this implementation.

Migrated from D1040 (view on Phabricator)

Merge request reports
