Support existing REST APIs in GraphQL
Make sure all the data and filters available in the REST GET APIs are available in the GraphQL as well.
Can be done only after the GraphQL service is in production
Migrated from T4295 (view on Phabricator)
Make sure all the data and filters available in the REST GET APIs are available in the GraphQL as well.
Can be done only after the GraphQL service is in production
Migrated from T4295 (view on Phabricator)
marked this issue as related to #4083
added GraphQL API priority:Normal labels
changed the description
added priority:Low label and removed priority:Normal label
added priority:Normal label and removed priority:Low label
added activity::Implementation label
changed milestone to %GraphQL API
changed time estimate to 3w
added 1w of time spent
Mostly done. Pending items can be tracked at #4664 (closed)