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conf/deposit: Drop no longer used configuration

For the next deposit release 0.2.0 (and loader-core 0.12.0) :

  • tool is configured alone by the server
  • provider is really about the deposit client information which the deposit can fill it itself already

Related to swh-deposit#2649 (closed)

Test Plan

# rebuild to have the latest deposit/loader-core deps
$ doco up
$ swh deposit upload --username test --password test --author ardumont --name swh-docker-dev --url http://localhost:5006 --archive swh-docker-dev.tgz
INFO:swh.deposit.cli.client:{'deposit_id': '2', 'deposit_status': 'deposited', 'deposit_status_detail': None, 'deposit_date': 'Oct. 1, 2020, 2:47 p.m.'}
$ swh deposit status --username test --password test --url http://localhost:5006 --deposit-id 1 --format json
{"deposit_id": "1", "deposit_status": "done", "deposit_status_detail": "The deposit has been successfully loaded into the Software Heritage archive", "deposit_swh_id": "swh:1:dir:3c14b1dc5e8b1a9e887739bfc91d93c378d58143", "deposit_swh_id_context": "swh:1:dir:3c14b1dc5e8b1a9e887739bfc91d93c378d58143;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:6a78e25e315630d8c752143622f0596f0c98f7a3;anchor=swh:1:rev:ca276509305c3cfcd2758ccd94924c372ceac0a1;path=/", "deposit_external_id": "4e9a92b4-7bce-41ac-83f0-ec783595bf5c"}

Migrated from D4106 (view on Phabricator)

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